
What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI #1


Artificial intelligence is everywhere and it’s already making a huge impact on our lives. It’s autocompleting texts on our cellphones, telling us which videos to watch on YouTube, beating us at video games, recognizing us in photos, ordering products in stores, driving cars, scheduling appointments, you get the idea. Today we’re going to explain what AI can (and can’t) do right now and explain how we got to where we are today.

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45 thoughts on “What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI #1
  1. yo thank you crash course for not forcing him to talk super fast and making quick cuts on the video. It's actually way more comprehensible this way 😉

  2. Hey man why can't you see my robot not that many ce bit works in a very nice way. Well can you help me in programming my robot it is of Lego mindstroms.

  3. This Intelligence define takes 3 primary content looks like
    1.symbol recognizing,processing,and outcome
    3.adapt goal (this is the most core important)

    Recognize jabril ,think: is that jabril? and say: is jabril is the symbol recognizing ,processing and output comes as this YouTube shows.
    About leaning go to episode 4.

  4. Leaning machine doesn’t know any thing when it’s at first but human dose, that’s why human ain’t leaning machine. At 6:10 this is more better sentence to interpret the distance between the human and leaning machine.

  5. At 6:16 this is a awful sentence to describe human’s leaning, that’s not good way to say the mechanism of human’s leaning. You should lay the difference out as this YouTube said at 6:43 first.

  6. 8:27… So you see real intelligence and AI not depends on how much operations you can do per sec , because human’s operation speed is more lower than old IBM 7090 but human smarter than 2019 modern computers in so many situations.

  7. 6:20 wrong, human’s leaning is not from the consequences of their actions. Human’s leaning is from the experiences depend on real causal relations and instincts, and also instinct’s design depends on real causal relations and designed for adapting their own goals.

  8. Feels like Jabril is not complete without his video editing. I think if channels want to use certain Youtubers, they need to blend their style and the Youtuber's style in the video. Seems odd that Jabrils is talking. Nevertheless, nice Crash Course. Thank you guys.

  9. We can use too much emotion or fear to solve problems with A.I. Lots of people are scared of things watching you or complain about it. We have to be thoughtful about to.

  10. "Hey, Siri, is AI going to kill us all?"
    "I don't understand 'Is AI going to kill us all.'"
    "It's clear that those are still distant futures."
    ("Human subject still doesn't suspect anything. Continue operations as they were previously planned.")

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