
What is Deja Vu – Dan Dennett

Praveen Kulkarni

This is an excerpt from the video series “The Magic of Consciousness” featuring Dan Dennett. In this video, Dennett proposes one of the explanations for the _Déjà Vu_ experience


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35 thoughts on “What is Deja Vu – Dan Dennett
  1. Could Deja Vu be the misfiring of an experience into an incorrect memory?

    If a piece of information is inserted into the memory, you'll believe you'd thought or seen it before. Anyone know?

  2. @christianhaugboelle "I haven't a clue but Dan is not right" is exactly right, as happens all the time in science; via falsifiability.
    Theres no reason the explanation shouldnt be simple if that were the case, in this instance due to what happens in the brain his explanation is too simplistic because the model he uses is too simplistic. More science required.

  3. To @sooperfukker:
    I think when checked against long term memory, Deja Vu is recognised as false, because the event does not fit anywhere along person's life .

  4. I heard from more than 1 source that Deja Vu is actually our spirits remembering something that we planned before we were born and when we get Deja Vu and some person or some experience seems very familiar it means we are on the right path in our life.

  5. I heard from more than 1 source that Deja Vu is when our spirits remember a person, place or experience that we planned before we were born and when we get Deja Vu, it means we are on the right path in our life.

  6. this is bullshit your deja vu is alot more for how simple he is explaing this…it very well could be…but do you think this whhile your having your deja vu?….it's like saying you did something …feel asleep and just as your waking it up it's happening again at that instant…..i don't think so.

  7. how can he explain the time when i worked as a cashier. i told the lady that the bag of potatos she's buying is on sale, buy one get one free. We said in sync, i don't have time, my parents are visiting from out of town and i have to get back to… then we stopped talking. i knew exactly what she was going to say cos we had this experience together before. the women was looking at me petrified the whole time during bagging and kept looking back at me scared. i was thinking awesome deja vu moment

  8. i can explain it by your brain anticipating the next moment in a "i know what will happen next" way, then when it happens you react with "i knew this would happen" regardless of what you actually knew. actually knowing what'd happen next isn't necessary at all to explain it. just you thinking you'll know before, then thinking that you knew afterwards, the whole experience being accompanied by a constant sense of familiarity. so your brain just goes kinda nuts for a few minutes, and that's all

  9. THere are hundreds of different responses she could have given to my statement about the potatoes. How, in all the responses, i knew she was going to say word for word? and how could i have known what is going on in her life. that her parents our in town visiting. that she's in a rush. Most people say oh can u hold this while i run back to get the second back. THAT is a possibility of hitting the mark of knowing. i think you're asking me to rely on way too many coincidences.

  10. what you said only could work if 'm only relying on my own input and out put. BUT i wasn't only relying on my own brain fucntion, I had yet another person confirming this along with me. saying word for word in sync. it didn't matter what i anticipated it happened in an unfailing sequence of event. your asking me to relying on too many coincidences. what you are saying is like a person winning the lottery, it could happen but most likely you couldn't and certainly not many times in 1 life time.

  11. i wonder what that person could have possibly confirmed. oh wait i give up, it's a miracle, you are truly blessed, are you happy now, good bye

  12. ive had dejavu happen randomly to me for as long as i can remember.
    Its always made me conclude (based simply on expeirences) that ive gone through this lifetime before and everything from mental thoughts and feelings, to everyday minor occurancess all take place at the exact time they did before…because for those 3-5 seconds when the dejavu sucker punches my mind lol i am aware of it. then… its gone and im left in a daze. kinda awesome/humbling feeling…

  13. Bullshit. Its more to it. Its odd why there is very little info on the matter. I've had dreams about events and detailed items and clothes people had on. 4 years later It happened. I have Deja vu so much I started throwing things like pens in the middle of the deja vu to see can i change the pattern of events

  14. agree the BS ^^ maybe try "Bashar deja vu" he depicted it using theories of timeline overlap(window of parallel realities) 'n the dream state(blueprint template plane of our physical experience) they are closer to my sense of deja vu, as well as the say of "9th Dimensional Pleiadian deja vu"

  15. when i have a de ja vu experience, not only that i feel what is happening has already happened before, i actually know what will happen and what i would say or do next. i always take this as a warning or sign for me to correct myself…therefore i will always do or say something else or in other words made different choice. if i was not sure i will just shut my mouth or turn back. i don't believe the medical science theories, because the feeling is amazing! not just, oh i saw that before.

  16. an"t tht simply because befor i went to a site i had a thought apper in my brain and i wasn't even at the site. then once im there im havin fun and befor u know it i glansed to my right and 'poof". That was the same image i had before then.

  17. but what happens if it last 15- 30 sec if not longer and you can actually say whats going happen within that moment ive had a near death experience when i was around 10 yr old i am now 23 and when i have de javu even when i was younger untile recently people within my circle or should i say i knew would pass away the stronger the de javu the closer the person passed away the lesser the de javu the farther very weird always been trippping me out same things with my dreams

  18. this is all wrong. what about sound? when i have daja vu i realize that im in a moment that im sure has happend before then i start to look around and see something and im like 'click' oh i recognize that thing too! then look at something else and be like omg and that too! then someone will say something and its like i knew that they were gunna say something before they said it then after they say it i recognize what they said like ive herd them say it before then i go 'click' omg that too!

  19. This is a recycled argument from the 1890's! Back then the two desynchronized impressions were caused by the two hemispheres of the brain being out of sync. Like today they had no evidence to even suggest that such an idea was true. A secular myth disguised as scientific fact haha

  20. Yet people are taking this as fact…
    And I am far from religious, I'm actually speaking as a scientific person. We should look at deja vu from an actual scientific and factual perspective and not try to find the most convenient explanation.

  21. BTW forgot to mention that it is an invalid scientific hypothesis actually, because it didn't start with an observation, as it is required by the scientific method. He didn't first observe something that would suggest the hypothesis, he just imagined it to be true.

  22. I get most of what he is trying to explain but how is it possible for your brain to know what someone's going to say before they say it in a loop??????

  23. He is trying to brain wash….science people should be stopped from spreading bullshit to public based on their theories which of course keeps changing every few years or with a new guy …so much fuss to say that science understands everything… they understand only physical and ignore what they can't understand or better make a bullshit theory to tell sheeple that we know this crap as per our theory….theory is assumption….assume = making ass out of you and me

  24. dan dennett you are the most disgusting human. think you are smart but the u r just a delusional dumb fuck trying to come up with answers to unanswerable questions and try to prove to people that you are something special while the truth is you are just a old fat ugly brainwashed demonized dumb whorish looking fuck head

  25. I experience Deja vu frequently, it happens mostly doing Unusual Events, not every day activities. How does this Hypothesis explain knowing what will happen before it happend, doing something You have never done before?

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