
What is Loop Quantum Gravity – with Carlo Rovelli

The Royal Institution

Quantum particles exist in space-time, but quanta of gravity are different – they are woven together to make space time itself.

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In this short clip from his talk on the Physics and Philosophy of Time, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli explains loop quantum gravity, and how space-time is woven together from quanta of gravity, much like how a t-shirt is knitted together from a cotton thread.

Watch the full talk:

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42 thoughts on “What is Loop Quantum Gravity – with Carlo Rovelli
  1. Sigh.

    Let's be clear here — LQG is a MATHEMATICAL theory, it only has to meet the test of mathematical completeness. Mathematics are descriptive, not prescriptive. It is a scientific hypothesis, NOT a scientific theory until it makes testable and repeatable observable predictions.

  2. I don't know what he means that gravity is part of spacetime. Is he arguing that gravitons (or the actual gravitational field) is part of the fabric of the universe? what

  3. I would say the more concentration of mass the greater conservation of energy you get. Photons are a wave they have mass and energy, thrown at us all the time, and are attracted in the custer of mass. Proton velocity squeezing in like viscous particle and liquid and slightly dissipate in matter. «Gravity»
    The electron is hitting hard at other electrons and change place easily with it. Almost no loss of energy… Like a pendulum of metal balls bouncing the last one in the row out.
    Frequency,energy,mass… everything it conserved…..
    That is why red shift off light. Is a thing and explain time relativity.??!!
    Electron and Proton in the light wave appear to stretch one from the other or as if the Electron accelerate! It is not!
    Protons losing velocity breakup redistribution of energy: Electron, Neutron and Proton disassemble and re-equalising in matter create vortexes and heat. They trap free electrons and some left over free particles permitting our experience of «Time» relative to mass frequency
    Don't really understand…
    The electron spin direction or something else remains and interact in a way, i don't know how??? And something radiate out in the dead Space not being influence by notting.

    We are shrinking and/or extracting i think, space do not expend. Everything radiate out dark stuff !

  4. just like the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain of complexity
    amazing can make money with crazy theories that have no link to reality
    veiled behind complexity
    get a real job dude
    and by the way
    leaving the thread or anything physical
    implies a creator woo hoo wake-up it's called God

  5. For those of you asking, you can find the full talk Carlo Rovelli gave at the Ri here:
    But this clip is actually taken from the Q&A session after his talk, which we released as a separate video:

    This is Carlo Rovelli's answer to the very last question of the Q&A session. We thought it was by far the most interesting of the questions, which is why we released it as a short clip, just in case anyone missed it the first time round.

  6. Hi my name is Mehar Singh I am in 10th I am I interested in physics like quantum mechanics I know about quantum mechanics,general relativity, chaos theory, orbitals of parents and now learning about electro magnatic.i want to learn more surly I know my knowledge won't be useful now I want to complete (full) studies of physics

  7. 0:11 *plank-sized chunks*. this guy played too much minecraft, and yet don't know its 16 blocks wide, one chunk per block would crash the universe VM when they turned on the far rendering with hubble.

  8. Ok! And how can we be sure that the problem of the space-time structure is a well-posed problem?
    What about killing vectors and symmetries hypothesis needed for example to find the Schwarzschild solution to a constant mass distribution in a sphere?
    Could be found a relation between electromagnetism and gravity making hypotesis on space-time microstructure and space-time microstructure limited to particles universe lines?

  9. Its still a mathematical hypothesis, further research shall tell us whether or not it complies with the present gravitational model. Only time will tell. Until then it makes sense.

  10. A tshirt exists in space though. So what space is weaved from begs the question, what concept does that exist in. The infinitessimal state of the universe, and the requirement of observation, means we will never get further than our own desire to theorise and prove those theories. It is, certainly, an interesting ride but inevitably one that our curiosity will never be fulfilled from.

  11. I'd never thought that it would be possible to explain what Loop Quantum Gravity is all about, only within two minutes. THAT's great science! Maybe even beyond: Let's call it art.

  12. I was looking up this subject on YT and I saw this video of 2 minutes and I thought to myself, "you can't possibly explain this subject in two minutes?", but surely you did. Great job!

  13. Bought the book of the author it is a real good book. Quantum Loop am thought to similar as photographs in an Album as he says is Space and Transformations of each other of things in that space that is what the thought about that am understanding of Quantum Loop Gravity.

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