
What Jews REALLY believe about gentiles

Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson – The Optimisim Channel

What rabbis, the Torah, Talmud, and Jewish sources say about heaven and hell and non-Jews.

Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson is the rabbi of Beit Baruch and director of Chabad of Belgravia, London. He is also the author of the popular books Seeds of Wisdom and A Time to Heal. Rabbi Kalmenson is an optimism and positivity expert, using ancient wisdom to grow and change the world. Fans of the optimism of Steven Pinker, Matt Ridley, and Chris Williamson will enjoy!

#positivevibes #optimism


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16 thoughts on “What Jews REALLY believe about gentiles
  1. Jew religon is from god but the book has been tempred by jews in their own vested interests, .
    They always had renigads in jews if you remember how 12000 jews were punished by god because they were fishing on Saturday and i hope you know their fate.
    Had jews been good we would still be eating man o salva food from god .

  2. Dear rabbi , utube has not put back my original message .I would like to have your openion on it because it will impact the present position in ghaza .
    Or should I consider that you don't have the answer

  3. As Christians we know that we can only go to heaven through the precious blood of Jesus Christ JESUS SAID I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME

  4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚My friend because of Jesus the whole earth knows about your Torah not because of you or Moses πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, go read and Rabbi Emnden what he said who double the loss of Moses more then Moses himself 😎

  5. The message is a good one, the problem is the title of the message… "What Jews REALLY believe about gentiles" … The term "gentile" itself is a pejorative. It is a phonetic language word rooted in Latin. It is used deridingly in phonetic languages to refer to people as "rabble" or "mobs" …It connotes the idea that large groups of people as viewed by the distinct few who are not part of the "mob," are a problem… As in the term "gentio" in Spanish… the words "gentio" and "chusma" which are synonymous regard crowds or mobs as "rabble"… …and it feeds into the narrative that of the view of some Jews, that they are "god's chosen". While it is harmless to have this view in some people, it gives others the sense of entitlement to exact oppression upon those that they see as not being a part of their own group of "chosen" peoples…. When you see communications by right-wing zionists, what you get is this sense of entitlement that they should have the right to drive the "gentiles" out of their homes, subjugate and oppress them, and ultimately commit atrocities against them.

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