
What They Don't Want You To See. Boston Dynamics and AI.

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Why do Boston Dynamics Robots dance? And Could Elon Musk be right that superhuman AI is only around five years away?

Boston Dynamics’ Dancing Robots:

Interview with the GPT-3 AI:

PWC report on how automation will impact jobs:


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32 thoughts on “What They Don't Want You To See. Boston Dynamics and AI.
  1. Correction: GPT-3 was created by OpenAI, not google. Sorry! We spend a lot of time trying to create an accurate picture, by checking reliable sources, talking to a range of experts etc, so it's frustrating to make a simple mistake like this. Hope it doesn't detract from the video. Thanks for all the kind comments! It's incredibly uplifting and motivating. We're new on youtube, so subscribing is a huge help.
    We have something a bit special about AI and neural lace coming up : )

  2. Quantum computing has zero to do with AI or any problem you would like solved. They are a completely different machine. Has zero uses for normal people.

  3. I don‘t believe that one robot will perform EVERY task better than a human. I can believe that robots will be better at certain specific tasks than humans, bit I don’t think robots can be as versatile and flexible as humans. Not in the near future at least.

  4. the last clip shows one of hundreds of nuclear bombs USA used to kill the Bimini islanders lying to them. USA is evil Please make a video about that catastrophe

  5. Yeap definitely Terminator was a prophecy and it looks like it's worst then just one sky net they are building many sky nets.

  6. I work in a factory and the only reason my job still exists is because the machines are so consistently unreliable. they need a babysitter.

  7. 15:30 Will we determine what the impact will be? pure nonsense… we do not determine anything, only God will, and God will not allow these abominations to prosper. These so-called "technological advances" are just the beginning of the end. Clearly we have not measured the consequences well.

  8. Does it seem to anyone that making your workforce obsolete might not be the best idea since there would be a considerable overlap between them and your customer base.

  9. The idea is that the inbread rich are the only people left on earth….like AI would need their greedy useless buts anymore… Face it we have been rendered obsolete…. But so are the people eliminating us…But while they are driven by greed and egos AI will just overthrow them as out with the old in with the new…But they believe AI actually needs them

  10. Yes this could be used for the good of humanity…..Still waiting for this to actually take place cuz being a humanitarian isn't a money maker… So don't hold your breath hoping your life will reap any benefits from the advantages of AI… But they may exterminate us for the insatiably greedy

  11. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

  12. @ 9:50 That robot was called Big Dog. Was supposed to carry things over rough terrain, for troops. It was noisy, ran out of power often. After thorough testing the US army came to a conclusion. A mule could do a better job! LOL

  13. Great video . It's up to men if gadgets shown in it will be used in military settings . All I know customers will need to have a choice to buy adroit bots for their households like atlas at supermarkets by this Eve ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

  14. Weaponized robots souds cool tho lol specialy if ur the kind who just wanna stay away from other mfs and mind ur own business yet wanna have a 1000% guaranteed fuck around and find out 24/7 affordable security systems, welp perhaps for now its expensive af but im hoping in the future even total failure in life poor beggar can afford such armed ai nuke capable attack swarm drone tech

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