Consciousness Videos

What's harder to understand, a human brain or the universe?

World Science Festival

The human brain is immensely complex, containing more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. At the 2016 World Science Festival, physicist Brian Greene and neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis discussed why scientists have a better handle on our vast universe than on the three-pound organ inside a human’s head–and what role that organ plays in creating the universe it seeks to understand.

Watch the full program Here:
Original Program Date: June 2, 2016
PARTICIPANTS: Brian Greene, Joanna Kaczorowska, Pablo Lavandera, Miguel Nicolelis, Leon Wieseltier

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33 thoughts on “What's harder to understand, a human brain or the universe?
  1. I don’t understand how someone who studies the complexity of the brain doesn’t question the theory of evolution. As a scientist you should look at both sides of the spectrum before you just say one thing or the other

  2. The universe outside of Earth, as far as we know, is extremely simple compared to us. Just empty space, then matter and balls of gas. There are gigantic things out there, but they are very simple. It seems like universe's complexity is very tightly concentrated to our very, very little planet.

    The brain can aknowledge the universe, but the universe can't aknowledge the brain.

  3. NEITHER ..!! .and Both.. . BUT IF You go with In. It becomes possible to start to innerstand…Physics is beginning to discover that You. We. They ..can only "Go" so far….then there is (a sort of) nothing…but the way I see it is..the nothing is..filled with everything. At the same time it is void. But it happens SO fast that it APPEARS to be a void when actually it is an ever exploding ..expanding…living…moving…fractal-lized United Entity..i believe this is why " they" will never be able to "see" where the protons etc are " coming from" OR "going to" ..!

  4. The most complex system in the universe is human mind comprised of bio-chemicals and also not just completely of it… Yet it has a conscious and subconscious part of mind and personality, memories and imagination and by all these we call our core understanding as a mind.

    But is mind just this… I mean just a complex biological system. Nope.

  5. Atheism requires a VERY strong faith in order to believe that this all happened by accident."Give him glory, Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water", not to the "Biology produced by evolution"

  6. The brain is so much complex…. It was more beyond than just an organ…. I believe that the Brain has the copy of the Universe itself, and it has its greatness, even though we have it, we have full understanding about it… But surely, the brain as an organ has its limits… The Universe is expanding, and then we haven't yet has come to define in its full wonder… Universe and Brain are both
    not understandable and hard to explain.

  7. Well the human brain the internet and the universe all have similar networking systems. Not to mention that a rat for example sees the universe in a different way than we do. But you also profile if you want to figure out someone's decisions as nothing really is chosen/random in our brains.

  8. understanding the mind to such a degree isn't all too complicated, were doing so more an more everyday. What's lovely is the ability to correlate these findings with biological engineering and we could have full blown cyborgs in the near future. To be able to "plug in" a new arm and only need a week or so of physical rehabilitation would be incredible. Like i said, were doing it now, the main problem is that theres a billion paths that can lead to the same thought.

  9. Nicolas tesla, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln all ended there time beliving strongly in God.And if the universe that strongly suggests it's intelligent design that is the cause. And 99% of scientists agree. That would be a consciousness of God.So yes it could be a consciousness entity.If you think the universe has no design then your just saying it without even looking.

  10. Could the argument for which is more complex be won for the brain would be because we would have to explain what consciousness is. The universe isn't a conscious entity.

  11. The universe is an enormous body of of interacting matter and energy. The brain is no different simply on a smaller scale. Both are systems created by nature performing their natural activities.

  12. all this particles are not made up in our head, they exist and we are witnessing them. the fact that we make up scientific models and check them against reality is related to the brain, nothing else. even with no brains the world could exist , yet there would be nobody to appreciate it.

  13. That's why you are not capable of seeing anything past your blind man's eyes. If you look at the evidence it's plain as day. But thick people with no perception what comes from the pineal gland are bound to be blind or work for Google one or the other. Plain as day the earth has been designed by God plain as day he failed to give much to blind men

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