Consciousness Videos

What's Really Going On Right Now | The Great Awakening & Shift In Consciousness

The Awakened Indigo

Currently on the planet we are going through a mass spiritual awakening in which many people are experiencing a major shift in consciousness. The great awakening is causing many people to question their reality and transcend to the new earth and make the 5D shift in consciousness. In this video I am going to be sharing with you the truth on what’s really going on right now as well as everything you need to know regarding the great awakening and mass shift in consciousness

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What’s Really Going On Right Now | The Great Awakening & Shift In Consciousness
Many people right now on the planet are beginning to wake up to the truth and question their reality. as many people awaken to their true nature many lightworkers and starseeds are assisting the planet to make the shift to a new earth. As many people begin to wake up many are realizing that we are currently going through an ascension process in which will shift us to this 5D reality in which we ascend to a higher state of consciousness and exists in the fifth dimension.

Hey Guys Thank You So Much For Watching!!!! If you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a thumbs up because it really helps out the channel, leave a comment down below and subscribe if you are new because I create new videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!!

Have an AMAZING DAY!!!

#spiritual #awakening #newearth


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7 thoughts on “What's Really Going On Right Now | The Great Awakening & Shift In Consciousness
  1. Those who grasp for power and control are afraid of the Great Awakening. As we all attune to our divine nature, we see through the illusions of separation and scarcity. We question our programming and propaganda. Money is a man-made concept that we have all collectively bought into; money isn't real. So much suffering due to a completely made-up idea! Countries are a man-made concept; as you said, the lines between countries are made up. Those boundaries between countries don't exist from a divine perspective. Those border lines are drawn by humans killing fellow humans (war) because we have falsely believed in a scarcity of resources and that we are somehow separate from one another, when in truth we are all expressions of the One Divine Source. Keep meditating, keep sharing your beautiful spiritual messages, Frank. The Great Awakening begins within, then later manifests in external reality. You are doing something really important with your channel. Sending Love 💓

  2. I hope you enjoyed this video and if you found it helpful or informative please leave a like and drop a comment below because it really helps out my channel✨much love and blessings to you all✨🙏🏻

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