
When deep learning meets satellite imagery


When deep learning meets satellite imagery

A handy guide to understanding the specificities and challenges of satellite images when using deep learning.


Speaker – Julie Imbert

Script – Julie Imbert and Ségolène Husson
With the participation of
Renaud, Tugdual, Thomas and all the Earthcube team

Filmmaker, editing & motion design – Julien Mascheroni


Intellectual property
Earthcube, proprietary detections

Satellite images
fMoW dataset, Functional Map of the World, CVPR, Gordon Christie, Neil Fendley, James Wilson, and Ryan Mukherjee, 2018


Aerial image

Sara Sabour and Nicholas Frosst and Geoffrey E Hinton, Dynamic Routing Between Capsules,2017 arXiv
Y. Lecun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio and P. Haffner, Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition, in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 2278-2324, Nov. 1998.


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22 thoughts on “When deep learning meets satellite imagery
  1. The source from witch to attract satellite imagery is limited or limited to just, say one satellite?
    To have a off-Nadir is sometimes better than Nadir, for instance knowing height on a building.
    Also is there any consideration of privacy…

  2. When deep learning, meets satellite imagery, what do you get ? Fires like Hawaii that can burn steel and take 90 degree corners like a street racer. Thank you I needed to see that to truly have the pieces snap into focus, no stupid puns or jokes at all. Serious as those fires.

  3. This reminds me of the way Johny Srouji presents a new Apple Silicon architecture in the Apple keynotes. Very precise, focused and polished.

  4. النَّظِيرُ فِي عِلْمِ الْفَلَكِ : نُقْطَةٌ فِي السَّمَاءِ عَلَى خَطٍّ عَمُودِيٍّ مِنَ الْمُرَاقِبِ تَحْتَ قَدَمَيْهِ مُبَاشَرَةً

  5. Thank you for the video.
    Somehow I’m a bit disappointed, but it’s my fault. From the title, I expected to hear how deep learning is complementing convolutional networks, but deep learning is mentioned just superficially. Maybe a next video?

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