
When Do You Use Machine Learning vs. a Rules Based System?


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Soups Ranjan provides examples of applications where machine learning makes sense and when it doesn’t, and gives examples from real-world applications in the risk domain (anti-fraud, cyber security, account takeover detection).

Soups Ranjan is the Director of Data Science at Coinbase, one the largest bitcoin exchanges in the world, where he manages the Risk & Data Science team.

This video was recorded at 2018:

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2 thoughts on “When Do You Use Machine Learning vs. a Rules Based System?
  1. Coinbase's engineering is crap. I got buys/sells turned off on my account and then they banned me from the system when I repeatedly contacted customer support. I'd avoid putting any money in a Coinbase account – you never know what they're going to do to it, and they have zero customer support.

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