
Who Are These People? (Deepfakes – Artificial Intelligence Is Getting Scary)

Daily Rant Australia

Those people that you just saw… I don’t need permission from them to publish their portraits. Why? Because, none of them are real. They were all created by AI using a Generative Adversarial** Network (GAN) — a type of machine learning technique that creates a feedback loop of increasingly higher-quality output.

These faces were created on the website The AI can create people of varying ages, ethnicities, gender, facial expressions, earrings, glasses, etc.

DataGrid, a Japanese startup company based out of Kyoto University, have developed an AI system that is capable of smoothly and automatically creating high-quality and high-resolution (1024 x 1024) photorealistic models of entire people. These are some of their creations.

Obviously, there are some real benefits of creating these sorts of pictures — at least, from an economic standpoint. Websites and catalogues will no longer need to seek people’s permission to use their portraits in advertising material, or pay costly models — another job lost in the ongoing AI revolution.

But also, there is a potentially nefarious outcome. It won’t be long until exact replicas of people can be inserted into any situation in a photo, or even into CCTV footage.

Imagine if a robbery took place and the only suspect is you. There is video and photographic evidence of you committing the crime. But you didn’t do it. It turns out that one of your managers who actually committed the crime created fake CCTV images of you on his laptop.

How will police and courts deal with this new wave of fake images and videos? Could this technology be used by bad actors to incriminate completely innocent people? How will we police it?

What are your thoughts? Is AI going too far? Should we implement rules to stow its inevitable spread. How will forensic science keep up with photos and videos that are 100% realistic? Are we living in scary times?

** I mispronounced Adversarial in the video. The correct pronunciation is ad-ver-sair-ee-uhl.

Generate Photorealistic Faces

Photorealistic People


Falling Rain
by Myuu (

#dailyrantaustralia #artificialintelligence #fakepeople #photoediting


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7 thoughts on “Who Are These People? (Deepfakes – Artificial Intelligence Is Getting Scary)
  1. Wait until they fully refine the bio and quantum computer.. This would change way we live.. This advancement in AI and computer conjunction with Robots will decease the need of slave peasant human beings like us.. To the ruling elites, we are nothing more than polluting, resource consuming cockroaches.. They value a nature more than human beings…Guess what the 5G will give us.. it would make us sterile.

  2. No one would copy the features of someone they want to have a problem and make a shot clip of them say hitting a female, as much as a cop wanting to frame someone by getting there pubic hair or other form of DNA to get that person for some reason. People are too honest.

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