Consciousness Videos

Why Consciousness is Immortal | The Philosophical Proof of Life After Death


Is there life after death? This documentary explores a philosophical argument that suggests consciousness is immortal, and that life after death exists in the form of “personal subjective continuity.”

This argument was first presented by the philosopher Thomas Clark, and can be found in his essay titled “Death, Nothingness, and Subjectivity.”

Today we explore the implications of this argument, including how it fits with the concept of “open individualism”, as conceived by the philosopher Daniel Kolak.

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*When discussing open individualism in the video, I use an analogy of nuclear fusion in stars to describe a general principle of consciousness. I found this analogy in an anonymous post on Reddit from a deleted account, so I was not able to give proper credit in the video.

This video contains Royalty Free / Reuse allowed music:
Aeternum by Aleks Michalski
Discovery by Scott Buckley
Dematerialized by DreamState Logic
SI FI and Cicada 3301 by CO.AG Music (2 tracks)


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39 thoughts on “Why Consciousness is Immortal | The Philosophical Proof of Life After Death
  1. Oh yeah? What happens to Alex after he falls of his motorcycle and goes from a quick witted, happy spirit to being borderline brain dead? What happens to the souls of the brain damaged?

  2. the worst thing about death is loosing people and animals, when i wake up my first thoughts are about wars and people and animals being killed and suffering, i take sleeping pills at night and prefer to be awake at night than day

  3. I would hate to take part in life pause, we have to accept that all life ends, our inner being, spirit is mere ether or star dust but we are not concious. People by nature fear death where as animals live in the here and now.

  4. i think near death experiences are down to the brain and hallucinations. i think when you're gone you're gone, i can't see how conciousness can carry on without a brain. i think reincarnation is more scary than hell, it would be horrible being re born as a meat animal or child blown to bits in a war

  5. We are all just higher mammals. I wonder if this author thinks that elephants or dolphins or even insects are also immortal? No, we are insignificant in the scope of the universe. Do you think dinosaurs have reincarnated? The earth is what's alive, and any other habitable planet in the universe.

  6. I think a logical error has been made here: a jump is being made from “personal subjective continuity” by assuming that the future instances of materially individual “personal subjective continuity” spans are somehow connected or a continuation of any other prior or contemporaneous span. The example of classic Alex’s transition to 2.0 and reborn compared to renewed Alex are disanalogous considering questions of individual material composition/structure and experience of subjective continuities as individual for example. It seems most useful to frame it as a mereological question addressing the status of objects (like the “Ship of Theseus”), or to find some alternative justification to metaphysically connect each “temporary individual blip” of subjective continuity to the rest, ideally addressing the seemingly differing material conditions informing the unique object status of each unique subjective continuity phenomenon

  7. Death is like a break from immortality that we all face, if we were to live a single life, for eternity, that would be cruel torture, instead we get to live an infinite amount of lives all of unique experiences and profound meanings.
    Maybe immortality doesn't seem so scary when put like that.

  8. The concepts discussed here are no more than wishful thinking. There is no logic that dictates that life just goes on. We can't even define consciousness let alone give it more than a passing meaning. What about my two cats or the ant that I just squished?

  9. consciousness never dies, you will. Because consciousness is a reflection of truth, and in truth one inherits its qualities: eternal, immutable, infinite. God. Take joy that you will live and die and suffer forever 😀

  10. This has been my thought for many years, not expressed, but yet convincing the way I put it in my articulation is that consciousness is fully awareness of what one experience.

  11. Thank you for this thought-provoking video! It resonates with some ideas I’ve been exploring, and I’d like to share a concept that might add a new dimension to the topic—one that I bet hardly anyone else has considered regarding what might actually define some characteristics of our waking consciousness…

    I’m fascinated by the recurring patterns in the universe, from the cosmic web to the neural networks in our brains. This has led me to wonder if the 'Great Attractor'—a gravitational anomaly pulling galaxies toward it—might function like a synapse in a cosmic brain, a junction where energy or information converges.

    One idea I find particularly intriguing, and that I’ve never seen discussed, is the true origin of our star signs and the Sun’s role in amplifying cosmic energy. Many people don’t realize that your star sign is actually the constellation that was directly behind the Sun during the month you were born. The Sun spends about 28 days in each constellation, though this varies slightly due to the differing sizes of the constellations and the extra time needed to phase in and out of the next one. During these periods, it’s as if each constellation is offering a cosmic branch to the Sun, which then acts as a powerful amplifier, projecting the energy of that specific constellation toward Earth.

    As the Earth orbits the Sun, this amplified energy might imprint on us, activating our neurons in ways that influence our personalities and behaviors. Our ancient ancestors, long before the invention of telescopes, somehow understood the importance of these constellations, perhaps intuitively grasping this energetic relationship. This connection isn’t something I’ve seen discussed at all, but it could offer a deeper insight into how cosmic forces shape consciousness and life on Earth and the potential diversities across the universe.

  12. The number of people believing consciousness survives death is the argumentum ad populum logical fallacy and hence of no intellectual value. Philosophical proofs in and of themselves are only valid within the domain of their own framework of conceptual construction. Unless all components of a philosophical proof can by objectively demonstrated to obtain in the real world it has no basis for any claims of credibility about reflecting the real world. If it can be objectively demonstrated to obtain in the real world then it moves into the realm of science. So it is vacuous to trying to explain why consciousness is immortal without first being able to demonstrate that consciousness is in fact immortal founded on more than a formalized semantic concoction.

  13. Nah. I don't believe it. I think our world is dualist. Consiousness is created and fundamental. No reincarnation. Spirit returns to where it came from. Eternal, probably. NDEs do seem to say consiousness does not require the brain except here on Earth.

  14. A kind of peace and terror hit me at the same time when the idea finally sinks. Existence is baffling! I need to read more into this topic soon. Thank you for this video, truly.

  15. you live within your body until you eject out of your body with your spirit and your soul moves onto the next realm. conciousness passes over or ejects from the physical body it Just moves on.The physical body you drive your body with your spirit or soul once it ejects you pull out while the body dies. wherever you go is totally out of your control.

  16. The quote, “If you die before you die, you won’t die when you die,” appears in the context of Brian Muraresku's work, The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name. In the book, Muraresku explores the ancient mysteries and rituals that connect to early Christian practices, particularly those involving psychoactive substances that might have facilitated mystical experiences.

    In this context, the quote can be interpreted as referring to a mystical or spiritual "death" that individuals might experience during these rituals—a death of the ego or a profound transformation of consciousness. By undergoing this transformative experience, the fear of physical death is alleviated because the individual has already experienced a form of death and, through it, a connection to a higher spiritual reality. This aligns with the ancient belief in achieving a form of immortality through such spiritual practices.

  17. Nice to see so many people waking to the fact that if you exist now you have always existed and always will so enjoy life to the full and don’t be held back by limiting beliefs ❤

  18. Consciousness as a small entity can transcend death by occupying another living body near birth, without the history of past existence, because Consciousness does not have the equipment to carry such baggage. Ones Consciousness goes forth again, and again, and most likely will reinvent the wheel, as they say, since it has zero knowledge of the past.

  19. Being convinced in spite of the lack of evidence is faith. And faith is not a pathway to truth (truth is that which is grounded in our shared reality even if it is a simulation) since one can believe anything based on faith. Please present evidence that there is life after death so that we all can be convinced of it. Philosophical evidence is not evidence since it is not grounded in reality.

  20. When people say there is nothing after death, they don't mean that you are transported to somewhere which there is nothing. They mean that you no longer experience anything because you cease to exist. There is no such thing as after death because that would imply you have the capability of experiencing after death, which you don't.

  21. Whether or not consciousness remains has never been conclusively proven. . BUT. . If it is the case that we completely cease to exist on all levels, then it means that it does not matter whether individuals are good or evil. .

    When everyone is dead of the bad or good and all these people they met are also gone. . .

    Then there is nothing left that matters!

    Mother Theresa or J Stalin. . Doesn't matter. . Everything and everyone has ceased to exist and only some written down memories remain!

    If our consciousness remains, then we can start discussing how they remain, heaven and hell, God, angels and of course Jesus!

    But as said. . Who knows for sure?

  22. This is the most obvious, but also the most disappointing explanation. and it sounds like we are slaves, doomed to eternal awareness, as observers. It's kind of pointless. Why then did the universe or God create such a being as human who seeks to understand the universe and his own consciousness? we don't know what consciousness is. how is it created? Why is consciousness so unique? in the entire vast universe or even the infinite multiverse (if the theory is correct) you exist at exactly this moment in time in one copy. and by the way, I don’t believe in all these stories about experiences after death. it's just the work of brain.

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