
Why I Paint Surrealism

3 most life changing experiences that resulted in me finding my voice in art.

1. Not going to college and living abroad

2. Developing an autoimmune disease and hitting rock bottom

3. Healing through painting and becoming an emerging artist

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song: Moi Je – Fais Rien (petit biscuit remix)

Beau B. Frank


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22 thoughts on “Why I Paint Surrealism
  1. i felt your words so much! I'm so sorry for your painful past, you are such a strong person!

    What you said is exactly why I love your work so much. I love traveling more than everything and would like to explore the whole world. Your paintings capture this urge of freedom and beauty of nature. Much love

  2. Such an inspiration! The way you paint, your idea behind it, but also the way you came out of something dark trying to make something of your life and clearly succeeding! I am obsessed with your art but the way you think is also something i relate to. Thank you for the endless insta captions and the livestreams, I love being able to ask questions and get such a thought through answer. I really look up to you!

  3. Very inspiring story, love the female portrait but the water embedded where her arms and torso would be are ruining the picture for me. It's almost like you created this beautiful image and then some self destructive urge you decided to pop in this ocean scene.

  4. I just watched a bunch of your videos, i followed you on instagram for a while now and i fell in love . You give me such a positive feeling , your paintings are unreal and your stories are so meaningful ❤️ . I wish you the best for your art journey and keep inspiring . ?

  5. I love this video! And not just because of your art work but because of your story. It touched me. It reminded me of a patient i have who suffers from it but shame on me not knowing too much about it. Thank you for sharing. I just want to be your friend so we can sit, paint, and just talk about life. Lol

  6. I went through similar situation, thank you for the inspiring video. I feel like I need to explore painting, I feel like it's been my calling my entire life

  7. You have no clue how happy I was when I heard you recovered,, I look forward to seeing more of your content

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