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37 thoughts on “Why Was Epstein a Science Advocator? w/Lex Fridman | Joe Rogan
  1. He was running a kompromat ring… anyone one saying he was in intel but that the agency he worked for didnt know about the girls is straight up lying and covering for that agency.

  2. Look, really, I think you can have it both ways, is it that strange that he genuinely loved science? What if it was that one field he felt good about what he was doing? I mean it could just be that, whatever was behind him were trying to compromise this guy or that guy in some science field, those might be simple introductions too, or it could be usual elite philantropy.. I think this is so huge and complex, that we do need to see connections and at the same time, not confuse things. Remember that we are dealing with human beings, and human beings are complex and far from being black and white. And from what I understand, the whole point was to compromise people with the highest thing they could, so some will have really gruesome things in their files, some will have lesser things.. I'm of the opinion that, Epstein was an enabler of the sick minds of powerful peoples for a power that took advantage for their own, down to earth, benefits.

  3. Let's be precise – Epstein was convicted according to the Florida law for having sexual contact with girls, which would be of legal age in many European countries. Not even all US states would convict him because legal age of consent is different in USA states.
    A girl of 16 is not a child. I am a man and lost my virginity when I was 14 to a girl who was about 15 y. She was older than me. Was she a sexual predator? I never complained and have great memories.

    Yes, this Epstein guy lost his measure and became imprudent. And he was caught and convicted. The last story with him was probably because some people wanted to take some of his money. There was a strong case of double gepardy protecting him.

    He was probably not stupid and not evil. He was not blameless, but not a monster. I can imagine he wanted to move the humanity forward.

  4. You just had a Harvard professor arrested for selling information to China. Other Chinese nationals posing as students to get information also arrested. That's public and not at all controversial. So the idea other nation states are doing the same should be no surprise.

  5. Intelligence as in he worked for the Mossad and created honey traps for politicians and powerful ppl so that Israel can control and blackmail everyone. It ain’t complicated.

  6. Bill Barr's father hired Epstein to teach math at a school and Epstein didn't have a teaching degree. Lol, people keep talking about Hillary but this guy had some high enemies in the current white house too

  7. In Epstein’s case is the dude even a pedo? He wasn’t bribing 10 year olds to the island. The girls were physically mature. It’s Epstein’s fault young hot girls are dumb money hungry whores? I don’t think so; I think that’s science.

  8. Epstein was a master at blackmailing people. Nobody buys you a mansion for MILLIONS for nothing and says it was a gift. He blackmailed people with girls, not women but girls. He probably had dirt on everyone that went to his Island.

  9. "Why do you think that was?(interest in science)" Maybe just maybe Joe people arent one dimensional beings and have interests and hobbies… "Why did Joe have interest in pool?" "Do you maybe think Joe made his head look like a cue ball cus of his love of pool?"

  10. “If You Can't Explain it to a Six Year Old, You Don't Understand it Yourself” Albert Einstein

    Weinstein doesn't sound like a genius he sounds like a prick that knows more than you and knows he does to stroke his ego he doesn't explain things well

  11. Epstein was involved in science obviously because science is one of the last authorities perceived by the common person. If they could blackmail science professionals into making various claims and forging studies, they could re-invent the world. So he was probably taking an interest in science, not as a true passion but as one of his operations. Are we trying to claim that he was one way, except when it came to science, then it was out of a good nature? I think not. Lets also not forget that we are acting like science is something different from tech,industry, and engineering, when in fact, they are the same topic, from different points of view.

  12. Quit fucking listening to this Lex guy, he's not as smart as you think he is, and has no unique thoughts of his own, can barely regurgitate others ideas with accuracy. The fuck is going on Joe?

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