
Will Superintelligent Machines Take Over: A.I. in 60 Seconds


Can A.I. rule over humans one day? Very unlikely says Kai-Fu Lee

It’s A.I. in 60 seconds!


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2 thoughts on “Will Superintelligent Machines Take Over: A.I. in 60 Seconds
  1. Isn't one common scenario in Sci-Fi that self-replicating machines undergo a rapid natural selection toward superintelligent AI? There is no engineering path required there.

  2. Seems exactly to be what incapable losers that never achieved anything and self proclaimed experts are telling you all the time. And it fits well in ai propaganda in the media too.
    It does not exist? Well, it depends on who is saying it. Ask a waiter in the pub if he has the same opinion like this guy. It surely does not exist for this waiter 😁

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