Art Theory

Would you opt for a life with no pain? – Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald


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Imagine if you could plug your brain into a machine that would bring you ultimate pleasure for the rest of your life. The only catch? You have to permanently leave reality behind. Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald explore Robert Nozick’s thought experiment that he called the Experience Machine.

Lesson by Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald, animation by Avi Ofer.


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50 thoughts on “Would you opt for a life with no pain? – Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald
  1. Sometimes I like pain, some types of pain. NOT all types… Like, taking a new piercing – part of the fun for me is the pain I get when they sting! 🙈 Maybe I’m weird. I like going out in the winter and feeling cold, having to dress in big and comfy clothes to feel warmer. Also, giving birth. I can’t wait to feel what that pain feels like, and how thankful I will be to have my baby here. 🥰 But there’s many types of pain I of course would like to live without, if I could. But I would not like to live with only happiness and no types of pain or discomfort… Life is so exciting when you never know what will happen.

  2. Me before the video: I would, but there's a lot of downsides to that, so no

    Me after the video: I would, but there's a lot of downsides to that, so no

  3. There are many things which are way more important than pleasure, such as various experiences, learing the truth about life , and realizing what pain feels like . Pain can never be pleasing but it can actually do wonders which no pleasure can do. Its important to feel good but to learn and experience pain is even more important!

  4. That's the thing I don't like about the sterotypical picture of heaven

    I don't want infinite pleasure atleast let there be a little pain all my life ive learned through pain

  5. I would live in reality
    Rather than plug yourself in a happiness machine created by a person with deep shower thoughts all the time.

    no I’m kidding
    don’t screw me ;-;

  6. Honestly, no, because things have opposite effects on me. I drink a cup of coffee and I'm tired. A dentist gives me laughing gas and I'm stressed. I don't know why, but that's just how it works for me.

  7. Need pain for a complete life ? Seriously? Is rather live in my own pleasure machine. I think life is too short to think about pain, reality, truth etc.

  8. Honestly I lucid dreamed about this the first time it was amazing second time it was boring all the people where drinking partying I was never more terrified In my life that was it damn when I woke up I was releaved as it was just an dream because I can't stand infinite pleasure I like balance some peace and enjoyement in the middle that's why I don't believe in God because Heaven kinda sounds way too extreme for me honestly.

  9. The struggle to obtain those moments of pleasure build the value of pleasure. No struggle equates to less value. The warmth feels greater after the cold. Embrace and feel gratitude for your pain as it is an investment in your pleasure.

  10. Maximum pleasure; isn't that what the Bible is selling? You can have it. As for me; when I "go" I won't have ANY concincenes!

  11. Never learning the truth.
    Can not happen.
    I would like to know the truth because it will hurt more if I learn the truth later.
    Beyond the point of rerun.
    Also it depends on the person in question.

  12. Me just think of post structuralism and every single thing is important, pleasure can't exist without suffering. Say would you love a world without a fight nor a single argument I think I can't live without it. Life is like a game its an endless challenge to attain different possibilities waiting for you neither good nor bad and bad is by making yourself stronger by solving it. To conclude I won't choose a world without pain it's just dull and boring just like a surrounding without a color. I believe true happiness can only be attain if you succeed at something you pursue by walking through the hard way.

  13. You know i thought about this for a while. When people go to church or believe in heaven, what they kinda believe in is eternal bliss and that means no pain. So most people whether they like it or not have opted for the Experience Machine in future. If everybody wants to get into heaven then technically they believe in a life with Eternal Happiness is the best thing that could happen to them, always rejoicing and ever going higher in their enjoyment.

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