
Yolaine Escande “Emotion and Brushstroke in Modern Chinese Aesthetics and Theory of Arts”

“Painting, Facture and Emotion: History of art, Art theory, Philosophy, Neuroscience” May 20th 2014
One day International Workshop of the French National Research Agency (ANR) Project « Visual Art and Emotion » (2010-2014)

Yolaine Escande (Projet « Art Visuel et Émotion », Théorie des arts chinois, CRAL/CNRS)

‘Painting, Facture and Emotion’ is a multidisciplinary workshop organised by Jérôme Pelletier on may 20th 2014 at College de France in Paris. This workshop is part of the French National Research Agency projects conducted by Jérôme Pelletier (

This one-day workshop brought together philosophers of art (Gregory Currie, David Davies, Dom Lopes) art historians (Yolaine Escande, Georges Roque) and neuroscientists (Alain Berthoz, Stéphanie Dubal and José Luis Ulloa Fulgeri).
The woskshop aim was to investigate, both at the conceptual level and at the empirical level, the relations between the perceptual experience of facture in a painting and the beholder’s aesthetic experience.

CRAL – Centre de Recherches sur les arts et le langage


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