Consciousness Videos

Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it. | Lisa Feldman Barrett

Big Think

This interview is an episode from @The-Well , our publication about ideas that inspire a life well-lived, created with the @JohnTempletonFoundation.

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Our perception of reality is not an exact representation of the objective truth but rather a combination of sensory inputs and the brain’s interpretation of these signals. This interpretation is influenced by past experiences and is often predictive, with the brain creating categories of similar instances to anticipate future events.

The brain’s categorization process extends beyond physical characteristics to include abstract, functional features. This ability allows humans to create “social reality,” where we collectively assign functions or meanings to objects or concepts that don’t inherently possess them, such as the value of money or the concept of borders and citizenship.

The brain’s capacity for imagination, drawing from past experiences to create something entirely new, is a double-edged sword. While it allows for creativity and innovation, it can also lead to difficulties in staying present.

0:00 The debate over reality
0:57 Objective reality
3:54 Social reality

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About Lisa Feldman Barrett:
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett is among the top 1% most-cited scientists in the world, having published over 250 peer-reviewed scientific papers. Dr. Barrett is a University Distinguished Professor of psychology at Northeastern University with appointments at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, where she is Chief Science Officer for the Center for Law, Brain & Behavior. She is the recipient of a NIH Director’s Pioneer Award for transformative research, a Guggenheim Fellowship in neuroscience, the Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Association for Psychological Science (APS) and from the Society for Affect Science (SAS), and the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association (APA). She is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Society of Canada, and a number of other honorific societies. She is the author of How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain, and more recently, Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain.


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33 thoughts on “Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it. | Lisa Feldman Barrett
  1. Great intellectualization of a portion of the waking dreamstate!…..i wouldn't exactly call that "reality", though…. funny to mention scientific "guessing" with…..a guess… KNOW that, though, which makes this bordering on clickbait…it may be that is what the intellect/ego overlap zone is…….clickbait…..amazing really… gonna need more popcorn….

  2. And yet there is still an indifferent external reality that you need to get on board with. If you think you can fly you will still die if you step off a cliff.

  3. Brain is like a crane operator. They don’t normally need to see the situation of the load, they just for the signal personnel to tell them what to do

  4. The title is a bit misleading…we don't 'create' reality we perceive it through sensory organs, and depending on how its perceived and categorised in the brain is the deference In people's reality… a tree blowing in the wind, is still a tree blowing in the wind regardless of how I perceive it

  5. Except we don’t all agree. I don’t agree with country lines or money. I’m just forced to agree because people will literally put me in jail if I don’t

  6. consciousness did not create the body, the body created consciousness.. reality is what created the need for it.. consciousness certainly doesn't have right to argue the truth of its creator… Reality might get upset with you for just pretending to pay attention.

  7. Our sensory system was created out of response to reality. Our consciousness is only a fortunate solution for handling input and choice. Imagination is just letting the consciousness comprehend the limited input to suggest threats and advantages.. sometimes scared of the dark in an empty room.. reality already exists. The only way to have any confusion over it, is to resort to deliberate ignorance or denial. Unless you were groomed to ignore the faults in your parents, you shouldn't need to fantasize a reality based on preference.. wake up for real..

  8. We all see and think differently about life- as we are individuals. We have unique and one-of-a-kind personalities and qwerky natures.We must all make it a priority, to get along, despite those minor differences.We are all more alike, than
    than those alien creatures that the mainstream media portrays!😒👾

  9. I agree that reality is nothing more than a “matrix” of energy, vibration, and frequency. What we believe becomes reality. The more people that believe in a thing, the more real it becomes. Belief and faith create reality. The sky is blue because we all collectively believe that it is. Gods become real because of the faith and belief people have in them

  10. The brain detects objects and creates conscious awareness of object. It is absurd to me to claim brain creates reality. Actually reality creates brain.

  11. I know something better. Deprive yourself from staying awake for two weeks if possible eventually the next time you fall asleep your brain will force itself to stay awake. This is achieving (LUCID DREAMING or like she said that spiritualists call it Astral projection or ascension @ 6:11), but you need a brain to do it. This experience right here will blow your mind, but it’s simply your body, falling asleep and your brain staying awake fully conscient as if you were awake. Your brain can only sleep so much and needs to be active. when you do the opposite deprive yourself from sleep, you start hallucinating instead of you being in the dream the dream came to you. The reason for this is because the part of your brain that deals with your conscience has nothing to do with the part of your brain that controls your body. (RAM and ROM) YOURE WELCOME…

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