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45 thoughts on “Your Consciousness Manifests Your Reality (Dr. Bruce Lipton) – The Law Of Attraction
  1. 🌷 Dr. Lipton, you are such a DearHeart. Thank you for all your hard work over the years. Thank you for the love. My very best to you and yours. Hugs

  2. Bull fucking shit, I hate dudes like this who spew misinformation and then gullible people who don't understand science go on thinking this is true

  3. Ok…. what if the ppl close to you are super negative. How to you neutralize that? I'm talking about husband, children..

  4. This is so much better than religion. I've been so confused all these religions. I was manifesting a few things and it came true. I'm still practicing and learning. I'm still rewiring my mind and everything i've learned in churches and written scriptures. This is so much better and it makes so much sense.

  5. Spent my whole life searching for The Best, and always (always) knew who my perfect Love was. Then he suddenly showed up to rattle my world one day in 2018.

  6. Yes I believe and thank universe from the bottom of my life thank you universe thank you universe thank you thank you thank you universe ❤❤❤❤❤🎉😂

  7. Consciousness will bend reality—conditions, the nature of a person or people, and even bend time and the past—to accommodate your state.

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