
02 Roberto Cingolani – Humans, Humanoids and Intelligent Machines – First session

Pontifical Academy for Life

Humans, Humanoids and Intelligent Machines: Is there a
coexistence problem?
The body-mind nexus of living organisms is hard to imitate
by an embodied artificial intelligence, even by merging state
of the art supercomputers and robotic systems. A basic
comparison between biological intelligence and artificial
intelligence explains the origin of such a basic limit.
Nevertheless technology has developed intelligent machines
capable of understanding and deciding specific tasks, thus
raising the problem of envisaging a society in which humans
and intelligent machines will operate side by side.
Several questions need to be addressed, such as: (i) are
humans, with their individual and independent intelligence,
ready to coexist with cognitive machines having a collective
intelligence in the cloud? (ii) how will intelligent robots
impact the human workforce? (iii) are there real ethical
problems with intelligent robots, or should we consider them
simply as “useful devices”?
In this frame we will shortly review the current development
of intelligent robots, their differences with respect to
biological species, and their applications to different domains,
such as health, disaster recovery, and assistance to humans.


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