
10+ People Whose Logic Is Too Weird for Us

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As soon as people stop following logic, true chaos starts — designers go insane, people start creating crazy things, and coming up with unbelievable inventions. This is when people start wearing wigs on top of their hoods and watermelon becomes foamy.
music by Nicolai Heidlas Music
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36 thoughts on “10+ People Whose Logic Is Too Weird for Us
  1. Idk why but i hate people rubbing my shoulders and someone rubbed my shoulder and i was like stop no she went told her mate i dont like it then she tried it i did the same thing then she went and told nearly everyone so now i have strangers coming up to me and rubbing my shoulder i hate it! But idk why i hate people rubing my shoulder im okay with people like just touching my shoulder but when someone rubs it then i hate it anyone else have this and knoe why it happens (i have never had a bad experience with shoulder rubbing)

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