
20+ Psychology Tricks to Read Anyone Like a Book

We get over 55% of information through nonverbal communication, like facial expressions, gestures, and other body movements. Pay attention to the signals that other people send without even realizing it.
You’ve probably wondered how convenient life would be if you could read other people’s minds. Some people use their intuition for this, but if you’re not so perceptive, there’s only one choice left: learning to read people’s body language.

Closing their eyes 0:45
Covering their mouth 1:00
Chewing on their glasses 1:26
“Presenting” their face 1:52
Rubbing their chin 2:16
Crossed arms 2:34
Fixing their posture 3:02
Leaning forward 3:22
Leaning back 3:50
Swinging from their heels to their toes 4:14
Rubbing their hands 4:37
The “glove” handshake 4:59
A handshake with the palm facing the floor vs ceiling 5:29
Cupping someone’s hands during a handshake 5:57
A handshake with a touch 6:25
Fixing their tie 7:09
Collecting imaginary lint 7:30
Putting their feet on the desk 7:50
Mounting a chair like a horse 8:11
Playing with their shoe 8:35
Eye contact 8:57
Avoiding eye contact 9:34
Unbroken staring 9:50
A lot of blinking 10:16

– If a person is talking to you and closing their eyes, you should know that they’re trying to hide from the outside world.
– A few fingers, a palm, or even a fist near the mouth helps us hold back the words we don’t want to let out.
– If you see someone chewing on the earpieces of their glasses, try having a heart-to-heart with them and cheering them up. They’re definitely subconsciously worried about something.
– Crossed arms are a clear sign that a person is not feeling it today.
– When a woman wants a man to notice her, she tries to present herself in the best way possible. She straightens her back to emphasize her breasts, and she may also cross her legs.
– When people like someone and want to get to know them, they usually lean forward.
– If someone sits back in their chair, they’re showing that they’re tired of the conversation and don’t want to keep it going.
– If a person doesn’t swing back and forth but bounces up and down on their toes, it might be a sign that they’re feeling confident.
– Rubbing the hands together generally means that a person has a positive feeling about something, and they’re hopeful.
– While you’re shaking hands with someone, if that person takes your wrist with their free hand, they’re showing that they’re trustworthy, friendly, and honest.

What psychological approaches do you use to read others? Share your secrets in the comments below.

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30 thoughts on “20+ Psychology Tricks to Read Anyone Like a Book
  1. im sorry man but its just overall an assumption n not applicable to almost anyone. everyone has their own way on expressing things or action. sometime people just close their eye cuz their tired or it just their tendency to do so. rubbing chin sometime not just cuz ur thinking about something(the picture use for that situation in this video are straight out of movie just to make it look cool) but someone can do it out of boredom or just feeling out their beard/chin. most of this reaction is a tendency of some people n they also do that individually different depending on occasion n situation

  2. Some of these tips work some of the times, which is why it's advised today by many body language readers to read signs collectively rather than basing a reading off one. For instance, arms crossed can also mean a person is feeling cold and needs a jacket, or it's just a way to feel more comfortable for them in that posture. However, arms crossed with no eye contact or smile and feet pointing away definitely means an opposing view or feeling.

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