
2017/03/11: Strengthen the Individual: A counterpoint to Post Modern Political Correctness

This is a lecture (Q & A forthcoming) that I gave in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, on Saturday. I discuss the development of post-modernism, its relationship to Marxism, the dangers it poses to the civilization of the West, and what might be done, in consequence.


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42 thoughts on “2017/03/11: Strengthen the Individual: A counterpoint to Post Modern Political Correctness
  1. So i mentioned to a friend of mine, what i have discovered, something that i somewhat always knew, that you helped me understand……..stop believe in conspiracy theories he said…….I live in Norway….. i never knew the seriousness of this subject, nor the debts… and nobody seems to CARE, it scares me ALOT!

  2. Well ,what can I say? The prophet at work. Seriously, listening to Peterson I started to understand the phenomenon of biblical prophets. There obviously is a purpose in spreading his message. Absolutely outstanding. No wonder that young people follow him. They are starved for truth.

  3. The truth is so particularly strong and dense in this lecture that you can almost touch it. Truth. Cutting edge of precision. Articulate speech. J. B. P. at his best.

  4. In his wonderful agnostic Style Professor Peterson says that you can't protect yourself from the pain or think your way out of it through nihlistic thinking. So life is only worth living through maximizing your potential for the good of yourself and others which is one and the same. This is actually the meaning of Christ going to the cross. Jesus willingly suffered and died so that we may live. He said father forgive them for they know not what they do. As the Creator he took the responsibility on himself as he was with the father from the beginning of time and wanted to share this love with his creatures. Order comes out of chaos through speech. And so Christ is the word of God. Whosoever calls on his name will be saved. He says whosoever believes on him though he dies will live. With this certainty in mind life is easier to understand and endure. If your life is chaos speak the words. God help me. This is all it takes.

  5. Dr. Jordan, I just want to shake your hand. You've inspired me to simply be a man, not blame anybody for my lot in life, and to actually start to actively embody Good actions. This is significantly guided by the Self-Authoring program, especially "Future Authoring." Preach.

  6. You know, maybe I'm a bit slow, but I've kind of discovered something…

    Whenever Trump won the presidency in the US, there was a lot of talk about how his supporters were "uneducated." From my understanding, they (they meaning the MSM) meant this in the sense Trump voters didn't attend university.

    With JBPs talks, and my own experience, of how universities push post-modernism and neo-marxism, could this be because many of his voters weren't trained into having this set of beliefs? That is given that what MSM said was true about Trump voters.

    Is it possible that maybe, right now in history, those that are self-educated are the best educated?

    I also often wonder if the best way to deconstruct the way that universities have become, is if we should do it within?

    For instance, for those of us who are interested in education and higher studies, should we obtain the degrees that are necessary in order to infiltrate, for the lack of a better term, the current universities? Or should we create our own? Create universities that do not have a focal point on social justice, and really want to learn from all sides of the spectrum without being persecuted for asking questions or having a different set of beliefs from the professor. Without the professor stating that one should look at things from their point of view instead. (Which has happened to me.)

  7. You are a true professor. You are the One who confirms the Truth again and again sir. Story telling was part of my upbringing now, I rejoice in the beauty of listening which has been granted through YouTube and is how I learn from you. Tarzan (Johnny Weismüller for me) through the happiness he portrayed, I realized that because he did not grow up with a set language,, he did not have school in the form of written explanations, no memory, no thought and his infamous yell would tell everything, everyone with no unnecessary toughness. Thank you.

  8. To explain "history" from an "economic" point of view is a subversive Marxist tactic. Might explaining human conflict as "economic" also be a subversive Marxist tactic?

  9. We need such a voice of common sense in the UK where the SJWs and madness have taken over and are running the country into the ground. Every bird needs two wings to fly. Think about that.

  10. Love that your wife also talk about it this, she seems to be a Amazing woman, I am so glad that you have her, I Think she has in many aspecct helped you to be so outspoken and tell how things really are.

    I do like also that you walk around and not just standing still like some University lectors tho, it is more lively and it seems like you then are able to take in every indivual in the room. Most lectuals just speak like it is a mass of people – a Group they speak to. But that is never really true, beacuse in any Group that are indivuals that diffrent from each other. I Think it is just great, and I wish more personers did this, no matter of if they are academical or not.. Instead of allway just speak to one Group, that is just identy politics and you see it so often, especially here in Sweden with our politics that try to win a particul Group instead of analyzing what is best for all society, not Always easy, but diffently important to do..

  11. The (perhaps) incredible fact is that Truth and the rest of it's heirarchy, down to truth, is not actually capable of undermining the premise and origins of Christianity and it's claims.

  12. I wonder how one might explain what the specific archetypes and details of the oldest stories in Genesis are doing existing in the original pictographic words which make up the written Chinese language. Is it coincidence that the best estimate for when this most ancient human written language came into existence correlates precisely with a "fundamentalist" reading of the flood and tower of Babel story from Genesis 5-11?

  13. Okay, I know I am just a little nobody, but with a predicate of "Don't do this one thing" how long would it take for anyone to 'Do the one thing'? And as a follow-up would that person's personality play a role, and to what degree?

  14. Your interpretation regarding the meaning of the Genesis story was just brilliant. I've found something meaningful in every video I've seen so far, both challenging and insightful, and they've certainly expanded my thinking . Thank you..

  15. Thank you Jordan. The journey of truth isn't easy always, but thank you very much for sticking it out and for standing what you stand for. I have more meaning and reason to live a more responsible life, ever since I started listening to you. Thank you very much.

  16. this is really amazing stuff…..don't know why he's not getting more recognition by academics etc….he's got a higher state of consciousness……maybe one in a billion rarity….its pretty mind blowing. personally its great to hear this kinda stuff because i had the rug pulled out from under me at 9 years old when my mam died ( and thus became nihilistic for many years )… ive also experimented with psychedelics and spent a lifetime surfing…."touched by the hand of god" is a near universal statement by surfers around the world when talking about getting barreled. in the eye of the storm yet in complete harmony with nature….the fear and the chaos is also millimeters away. a truly spiritual experience…….Respect and thank you Mr peterson. you truly are a great person

  17. I've watched a large handful of Dr. Peterson videos in the last year (I found him researching what an SJW was, and within two videos of crazies protesting free speech around Bill C16, I subbed'd his channel at around 180K in Aug of 2017, and now he's at 1.5M – which makes me so happy), and I've got to say, this might as well be one of his best and compassionate hours about this topic in particular, and the video I send anyone who doesn't know him or is brainwashed by the MSM into a negative image of this man. It saddens me the nonsensical protestors who were outside.
    This man is a godsend and his articulation of the underlying principals of the message behind his words, and the rest of us taking it into our own lives, could save us all.

    I've never experienced such tears of awe in my life before than listening to this lobster. All of his videos are amazing, each one topping another, and wake you to your core.
    His message came an an opportune moment in my life and it really helped me.
    I am going to buckle down even more, watch the Maps of Meaning lecture series, finish the Biblical Series, and take his Authoring Programs very soon.
    Thank you Dr. Peterson, and God bless you and your family.

  18. A comprehensive interpretation of the masters by a person of depth. We will ignore this message at our own peril. Tammi Peterson's is lovely and I can imagine, a force to be reckoned with on her own.

  19. @23:50 how humans deal with the complexity of the world. We simplify it. If you don't simplify if you go into cognitive overload which stresses and damages your brain.

    The simplifications we devise to understand the world are represented by our belief systems. Different people and groups come into conflict beside of their different belief systems (and consequently different "understanding" and perception of the world). I guess that having your fundamental belief system threatened is a very scary and dangerous thing hence why people are so invested in preserving their belief system.

    Wow fascinating.

  20. The words that Dr Peterson expounds are a precise description of what we are living in today's world. What resonates the most with me is..take truthful and responsible and you'll reap the rewards..apart from learning everyday even more. Thank Dr Peterson for your input in my life, I'm so grateful I visited one of your YouTube sites some time ago, I'm taking care of myself and my loved ones even more these days and I have quit smoking cold turkey and not had a drink for a month now and I don't even miss them, I knew within me long before that I could just stop but never put that thought into I'm exercising more, I'm losing weight, I feel better..I'm in the process of completing a Diploma in counselling and my studies are moving forward successfully and soon I'll have the chance to help those in need. Thank you so much once again for your help and I'll continue to walk straight, shoulders back and chest out..and speak the truth!

  21. The last person, in my opinion, to aim so selflessly at empowering the individual for the betterment of humanity, died impoverished and unacknowledged – his name was Nikola Tesla. It is disturbing at best that the person solely responsible for bringing us the technologies and advancements we take for granted today, isn't even mentioned in our education system.
    It's a little more than imperative that we all take responsibility to ensure this does not happen to the good Doctor. I'm sure he wouldn't advocate violence towards those who would see him shunted, and as Mr.Tesla's endeavors have stood the test of time, so to will the good Doctor's.
    Still doesn't mean we dont give anyone who thinks their smart enough to oppose him and actually do it, a good goddam earful. Especially if they dont know what the hell they're talking about.
    I sat on a bus once with a book called In Defense of Secular Humanism in my lap, and an older gentleman sat next to me and immediately took me to task on reading such filth. What he didn't give me a chance to say was that a good friend lent it to me and told me if your going to make an argument, you better know both sides of it.
    I still would have liked to thank him for speaking up. Hopefully, if given the chance, we all come to the defense of anyone who is striving to make things just a little better for all of us. But it would help if we knew what the hell we were talking about.

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