
#275 Ben Goertzel: SingularityNET – The Global AI Network and Marketplace

Epicenter Podcast

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Artificial Intelligence is often misunderstood. And much like blockchain, those who fiercely stand by the technology believe it will change the world for the better. Others fear the negative repercussions it could bring it and would rather see it disappear.

We’re joined by Ben Goertzel. Ben’s interest in AI and robotics date back to his childhood and he has made these his life-long passion and work. He is the CEO of SingularityNET, a company building a marketplace for AIs which leverages blockchain. He is also Chief Scientist at Hanson Robotics who has brought us the now famous Sophia robot. When he’s not building blockchains and robots, he leads the OpenCog open-source AI framework and is Chair of Humanity +, an organization which focuses on technology and ethics.

Topics discussed in this episode:
– Ben’s background as a mathematician and his lifelong passion for AI and robotics
– What is AI, AGI and machine learning, and how these technologies differ
– What is the killer application for AI
– The problem of data and power centralization as it relates to AI
– AI safety and with what we should be most concerned when it comes to AI dominance
– Hanson Robotics and the Sophia robot
– How blockchains and AI are relevant to each other
– The role of AI in blockchain governance and the potential for AI systems to compete amongst each other
– What is SingularityNET and what the company is building

Links mentioned in this episode:
– Ben Goertzel’s Website:
– SingularityNET website:
– SingularityNET whitepaper:
– Ben Goertzel portraied in Silicon Valley:
– Ben Goertzel’s Website:
– Creating Internet Intelligence:
– Accelerando:

– Cosmos: Join the most interoperable ecosystem of connected blockchains –
– Toptal: Simplify your hiring process & access the best blockchain talent – Get a $1,000 credit on your first hire –

This episode is also available on :
– YouTube:
– Soundcloud:

Watch or listen, Epicenter is available wherever podcasts are distributed.

Epicenter is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain, Sébastien Couture, Meher Roy, Sunny Aggarwal & Friederike Ernst.


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21 thoughts on “#275 Ben Goertzel: SingularityNET – The Global AI Network and Marketplace
  1. I personally think that if these genius guys create what will essentially be new life forms, that have free will, then some of their decisions will be bad and some will be good. There will probably be bad guy a.i.'s but hopefully there will be enough good guy a.i.'s to keep them in check? Could end up with a war of the God's type situation! I definitely dont think the possible dangers are being taken seriously enough though. Even if there is success in giving them emotions or something similar so they care about humans, its unlikely that their emotional intelligence will evolve at the same rate as their computational power and problem solving intelligence. My biggest worry that the military are going to be creating these things, for combat, espionage, possibly types of warfare we haven't even imagined, maybe they already have? I think that's where the biggest possible threat will come from. I believe an oversight committee of some kind is absolutely necessary, like the non proliferation of nuclear weapons type thing? But it will have to be done before the singularity, if it hasn't already occurred in a classified d.u.m.b somewhere, the military is usually way ahead of the curve on these things. Responding to mess ups after they happen may not be good enough with a.i. With the various groups and nations competing to be first its almost impossible to put the brakes on. Also what's to say any treaty would be abided by, the us in particular has a long history of breaking them. Just some thoughts from my humble non expert opinion. Who knows it may not be possible for a sentient self aware mind to progress exponentially as non self aware computers do??
    Edit: if anyone can put me right where I may be wrong on anything here or even confirm for me, I would be extremely grateful I find this subject fascinating and would love to know more. Peace.

  2. In fact one thing that I've been wondering. Would a human level a.i. by definition have to be self aware? I've always assumed it be would but I've just had the thought that maybe it wouldn't be absolutely necessary. Think I'm showing my ignorance here seem pretty obvious that to have human level intelligence you wunderkind need to know that you exist? But I'm not sure. I'm absolutely fascinated by this subject if anyone with more knowledge than me can help me out I would be extremely grateful. Peace 🙂

  3. The idea of a kind of eBay for AIs and AI-related stuff is fascinating and is the future! Except that trading could be done automatically whereas on eBay, buyers and sellers still have to interact.

    I imagine a world where professionals or anyone who's smart, can create an algorithmic version of themselves and sell that version online. They'd make money even while they were sleeping.

    But my idea of AI is more like expert systems than probabilistic machine learning AIs.

    For instance, I'm currently teaching Project Management and Digital Marketing. What if I could create an AI expert system that has ALL my knowledge and experiences, and sell it online?

    People could interact with this expert system and get all the answers, recommendations, advice, tips, tricks, resources, etc. that are relevant to them.

    It's like as if they bought… my brain!

    I currently teach about 15 students per semester. Selling my "brain" would enable me to teach perhaps 15,000 students!

    The crucial challenge is, how to extract the intelligence in our minds and make it available to the whole wide world?

  4. Skip first 8 minutes straight – bullshit that actually noone cares to listen, boring to death. Almost closed video but then a brillian Ben started talking

  5. You are right about human having a tendency to being assholes. An efficient AI can arguably do a load more damage being much 'smarter'. I'd rather trust a guy who doesn't care about his appearance and puts a value on things that aren't things that can be defined, than the likes of those immature leaders we find ourselves at the mercy of currently. It seems we are going to have a singularity whether or not we want it. At best we can hope, and I actually think that it is what will happen is that the singularity will view us with indifference and fuck off somewhere else leaving us to our own devices with maybe some tools we can use. It won't solve any of the important attitude problems we have towards the planet or each other. A fully aware AI won't be limited to time, biological constraints, morals, cultural niceties, loyalties, belief systems, emotional manipulation. It might not want to cooperate at all. It's great that Ben feels positive about it and that he is trying to spread the inevitable change among as many humans as he can. Sad truth is is that these AIs for rent are going to be hired by money makers. It's obvious that society has so far improved when people make money. A human creates something others want and they pay for it. All great inventions have been monetised. This singularity is going to be fueled by commerce and the divide between humans with and without money will deepen until the poor are killed by machines that 'think' for themselves. It's not like we have the likes of Sadhguru and Mooji and Ramdass and the like driving development of these algorithms. Hopefully the singularity will unlike us view life as something worth nurturing but sadly i think that is unlikely.

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