Consciousness Videos

(1-2) Entangled Water: Life, Consciousness, Memory


Stephen Hawking: Asking big questions about the universe

Amazing Water ~ Is it Conscious? Part 1/12

David Wilcock ~ Life Throughout The Universe Pt.1/12

Clifford Stone Disclosure Project 57 Alien Races


Steven Hawking, David Wilcock, Clifford Stone, David Sereda, Masaru Emoto

Edited By: James Tangredi


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25 thoughts on “(1-2) Entangled Water: Life, Consciousness, Memory
  1. That is why they are called water crystals a long time ago… People sense more then they know. Always. So knowledge is all in the water. How to handle the (re) fusion by hydorgenmotors? Will it harm the structure of live? Or bring disharmony as a virus?

  2. English is the language of business, not spiritual, discussions, lol.

    Maybe you and I are not so very far apart in our positions.

    I can certainly relate to the "one unit consciousness" when I am playing on a sports team, and the game is going well. Communication is instant; even telepathic. Agreement and friendship are sky-high. I merge happily into the group. I feel lonely without them.

    But, I am still myself.

    You have been a pleasure to talk with, ChillDude. 🙂


  3. That's the truth. We all are just consciousness experiencing itself. We are just different parts of it. When you look at the bigger picture we are all just one consciousness. It's similar to saying, my shirt is red, your shoes are red. Two different objects right? But red is present in both those objects. We have a body in this physical reality or dimension. But our true form is the soul/light/consciousness which inhabits it. Our souls are just parts of the one unite consciousness.

  4. I have already found out. No need to do either one.

    I have accessed many, many segments of my various past lives.

    So I know, without a doubt, that I'm always *me*, no matter "when" I am, or in which body, identity, and role.

    I *will* say that this "reality" (our gameboard for playing the game of life) is a communal construct, where no one can point to a part of it, and say, "I built that alone."

    Perhaps that is what confuses people into believing "We are all one".

  5. No, I didn't *miss* your first point.

    I don't happen to agree with the "we-are-all-one-big-blob" cosmic-communism viewpoint, so I *ignored* it. 🙂

  6. If he is telling the truth or not. I'm still 99% sure there are many other terrestrial spices out in just our galaxy. But it doesn't matter, as you missed my first point.

  7. What does that have to do with what I said? I was talking about the UFO disinfo, not some Zeitgeist philosophy about the nature of life.

    "Sgt. Clifford Stone" claims he was given "briefing docs" of all 57 varieties of Heinz soup.

    No, wait. Sorry, couldn't resist the joke. It's really 57 varieties of ETs.

    Now…take a good look at him @3:51.

    Seriously, dude – would you buy a used car from that man?

    Much less the story he's telling to sell his latest book? 😀

  8. The best disinfo and/or PSYOPs always has lotsa truth mixed in with spoilers.

    There's a big push on the "Attack from Outer Space" meme. Such a perfect false-flag crisis, serving to unite everyone into a "we are all one", NWO mentality, à la the movie, "Independence Day".

    And Sgt. Clifford Stone gives me the creeps. Just sayin'…

  9. @Lok783 I believe that you have confused a lack of any observed evidence with fear. The two concepts, however, are not logically equivalent.

  10. I think scientists ar afrade to admit something like the universe is alive, i think it scares the hell out of them.

  11. why would it be shocking alien beings exists in the galaxie, were here, so it's not a hard leap of deduction to think life like us exists elsewhere.

  12. I agree water is essential to life and this is not suprising, however is it the water or the space in the water that is causing this effect, potential waves reacting to the obserever?

  13. Qauntum entanglement states everything is connected ever since the big bang, it means that all matter and energy is entangled and connected, that space only gives the illusion that things are seperate, this is because space itself is energy and all matter touches space and at the qauntum partical level everything is energy and potential even space, meaning that the universe is a living conscious being

  14. because we our-selves and the properties of life and consciousness are entangled with it, it lives through us in a symbiotic relationship as life ,living through us,

  15. one might say is a rock alive?, most of what were made of is not, man is composed of mostly water, the Universe too has parts of itself that is living and non-living.

  16. medical science has not been able to dertermine where conscious awareness is in the brain, it is possible the brain is actually a 6th sence able to percieve the consciousness of the Universe, as self awareness, just like all your other five sences percieve the Universe in different ways,

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