Consciousness Videos

3D to 5D Consciousness Shift: An Introduction


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41 thoughts on “3D to 5D Consciousness Shift: An Introduction
  1. Your voice is so soothing, like just listening to u makes me feel so good and calm, keep it up! ur message is also so beautiful and ur whole video is so informative and enlightening thank u !

  2. So grateful to have stumbled upon your channel. Happy to have liked and subscribed. Beautiful soul, setting and message. Thank you so much 🙏✨💖✨

  3. thank you Elizabeth and for making this video and being of service at this time…its a time when we are remembering who we are and realizing that we are multi-dimensional light energy sentient beings having a human experience in this 3rd dimension…no more materialism nor polarity/duality.. being of service to others is the norm and always was…its a beautiful time to be alive as we raise each others vibrational frequency and become our authentic higher selves once again…L.E.S…..Love.

  4. It's much bigger than this but this is a good simple explanation of it
    Welcome to the light people, it's how I've lived and thought my whole life.
    Welcome✌🏻🙏🏻✨✨✨finally nice to see people waking up.
    This is the upside of covid. Nature made us STOP, re-evaluate life itself.

  5. Not the best explanation. To be a fifth  means to have increased awareness and to operate in life from your Soul essence. Your True Self knows what it came to do in this lifetime. To embody the fifth  simply means to slow down and to act from your authentic whisperings.

  6. "Investigate it.. explore it.. see what you find.. trust it… you are not alone, you are stepping into the fullness of the oneness…" YES YES YES! This video came in the right time for me – thanks for doing it! First video of yours that I am seeing so I do not know if that is your go-to location or not, but the tranquility of it and your way of explaining is a really nice match! Thank you for sharing!

  7. I see the imaging used to control people
    We need to break away from the imaging they project to us of what reality is .. our reality is what we make it .. not what they want us to believe is happening.
    If we shut down the media and hyperbole we can find inner peace
    The noise and chatter is what causes us stress.
    The system was designed to break us .. not lift us up to rise above the earthly chaos.
    Reach deep within yourself
    Stay true to you

  8. 3D consciousness
    Between the age from 4 to 6 years human children are starting to develop a 3D consciousness. There are also some higher animals that are able to think in 3D.

    With a 3D consciousness it is possible to do more complex interactions between more then one other person or object.

    Let’s go back to my example with the two children fighting about a toy car. If one of the children would stop fighting and would say something like: „ok, you can play with the car, I’m doing something else“. It would be an indicator that the child formed a 3D consciousness already. It realises that it makes no sense to fight, it is aware that the other child wants the toy too and it’s able to change it‘s focus to another action.

    I would carefully say that a majority of adult people are still living with a 3D consciousness with more or less pieces of 4D influences.

    3D is covering all actions and interactions in the physical space. For a 3D consciousness it’s characteristic that it is mostly very focused around the ego.
    „I don’t like the job but I’m doing it for the money“, „I don’t care what happens after I die“, „I don’t mind more control by the government because I have nothing to hide.“ are some examples of sentences people with a 3D consciousness would use.
    The are able to communicate and to do complex actions but there is no or only a low consciousness for some potential impact of their actions especially if the impact doesn’t affect themselves directly.

    The motivation is mostly to satisfy the own needings and pleasures and the way of thinking is mostly materialistic. There is no real awareness about the environment, animals or other people as long as they are not directly a part of the persons life.

    Theres also a low potential in questioning laws, rules, traditions and authorities. External circumstances are mostly taken as unchangeable or „it’s not good but it was always like this.“

    4D consciousness
    People with a 4D consciousness that every action and interaction between people has an impact in the world and that every decision will cause a specific consequence. In 4D you are growing a consciousness that your own emotions, ways of thinking and desires – your own ego – is not the centre of the world.
    You are starting to care for the society and the world as a whole.
    Your empathy grows and you are improving your skills to see things from other peoples perspectives. You are also developing an awareness for things that don’t affect you directly like different cultures, the economy or the question how our society would develop in the next hundred years or more.

    The way of thinking in dualist categories like „good“ and „evil“, „friend“ and „enemy“ etc. like it is typical for a 3D consciousness slowly disappears in 4D.
    Instead, you develop the ability to to see the things from all perspectives without a subjective judgement.

    5D consciousness
    The 5D consciousness is the dimensions where your soul has its strongest presence.
    If your consciousness is completely in 5D physical needings, desires and wishes are not playing a role anymore. Time is also not existing in 5D as everything what you are thinking is manifesting itself immediately in your consciousness but it still take time to make them become real in the physical world in the lower dimensions.

    In 5D you have access to all the potential you could ever reach. An example: If you always wanted to learn guitar but you had no money for classes, no time or whatever prevented you from learning it in the physical world – in 5D you could be a guitarist because only your mindset and your potential plays a role there.

    Your true self – often called „the inner child“ is living in 5D and all the pain and conditioning that was corrupting your character in 2D – 4D is not existing here. It is your pure and untouched self – free from all the pressure that was affecting your personal growth in the lower dimensions.
    While you can get hurt or be scared in the lower dimensions you are untouchable and invulnerable in 5D.

    Negative emotions like fear, hate and jealousy are also not existing anymore and are getting replaced by an unconditional and creational love that is flowing through yourself.

    While a lot of spiritual people are seeing the 4th dimension as the „waking up period“ you are fully awoken in 5D. You are fully under control of your mind and your thoughts.
    5D is like a state of permanent meditation and visualisation as you are doing everything with awareness and your full consciousness.

  9. Namaste Queen 🙏

    Peace and Blessings….Being in a high vibration feels like a breath of fresh air to me…it is that Peace that surpasses ALL UNDERSTANDING no matter what Happens I find joy and gratitude

  10. This is such an amazing video to describe 5D! So beautifully said. I can’t wait to share this link with people that I am trying to explain this to 🙂 best video I’ve found!

  11. This makes more sense then everybody else on YouTube trying to explain it. Thank you for sharing and teaching the honest truth about this topic🙏🏼🥰namaste 🙏🏼 🥰

  12. I’m stuck in a environment that keeps being back to 3D. I’m planning on running away soon before lockdown starts again. I don’t know where to go. I want to change for the better and I know I will I just need advice and courage

  13. Girl I literally was sooooo conflicted about these AirPods in my car bc the girl that left them is always snobby and I got kicked out of my house and I’ve been so exhausted and woman.. I’m telling you I looked up a podcast to help me understand things will come and here you are helping me ❣️ reminding me to do the right thing, I’ve never had shit and my parents are soooo terrible but I’ve always known everyone has a story, character is what counts and I love you for that reminder, thank you 💙💜

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