Consciousness Videos

4. Cognitive Balance – Human Needs Part 2 – Certainty and Variety (The Observer Problem)

Binyamin Tsadik

Video explaining the observer problem.
From my intro Series in Hebrew.


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9 thoughts on “4. Cognitive Balance – Human Needs Part 2 – Certainty and Variety (The Observer Problem)
  1. ISTP CP/B(S) FF typed by dave and shannon here.
    Definitely struggle with both the Ni and Se struggles. Its a constant flip flop back and forth.

    I gather new information and ideas, I organize the ideas and create a plan or strategy, and then I implement that strategy to create freedom and security.

  2. A lot of people confuse freedom with anarchy, and they confuse positive liberty (entitlements) with negative liberty (where no one can interfere with you or your property). It's always cringey when people talk about "You are too focused on freedom" when they seem to mean "Your habit of being irresponsible and undisciplined is causing harm to yourself and anyone who relies on you". They are different things.

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