Consciousness Videos

How Quantum Biology Might Explain Life’s Biggest Questions | Jim Al-Khalili | TED Talks


How does a robin know to fly south? The answer might be weirder than you think: Quantum physics may be involved. Jim Al-Khalili rounds up the extremely new, extremely strange world of quantum biology, where something Einstein once called “spooky action at a distance” helps birds navigate, and quantum effects might explain the origin of life itself.

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21 thoughts on “How Quantum Biology Might Explain Life’s Biggest Questions | Jim Al-Khalili | TED Talks
  1. Огромное спасибо за перевод Elena Lipatova и Anna Kotova!! Молодцы. Отличная работа.

    Интересная информация. Впечатлён. Когда учился в универе, ни о чём подобном даже и намёка не было…

    Что ж… Факты показывают, насколько всё ещё круче продумано и создано в природе, чем представлялось раньше.

    Как видим, сотням умнейших! учёным приходится коллегиально! в дорогущих лабораториях! на компьютерах со спецпрограммами разрабатывать и воспроизводить модели этих явлений и процессы, лежащие в их основе, придумывать какой-то математический аппарат, который бы всё это внятно описывал… и на спецоборудовании! пытаться всё это повторить. Но, как сам Jim Al-Khalili заявил, не смотря на все эти затраты, всё пока на уровне гипотез и догадок. Что ж, ждём фактов и цифр.

    А тем временем… какая-нибудь не спиленная на дрова берёзка в лесу каждую весну из грязи, воды и углекислого газа собирает в себе тонкие, изящные и эффективные квантовые аппараты, работающие всего лишь на АТФ и фотонах…

    Полезно задаться ещё одним вопросом: Кто в ДНК прописал схему устройства этих невероятно сложных молекулярных машин, осуществляющих сложнейшие не только молекулярные, но и, как теперь уже видим, квантовые процессы? Очевидно, Тот, кто понимает суть всех этих явлений и создал способ записать всё это в последовательности ДНК/РНК, а т.ж. создать машинки, которые эту информацию переводят в материальное, и увязать тысячи подобных процессов в систему [клетка]. Честь и хвала!

    После просмотра этого видео всем сердцем присоединяюсь к словам: «…Он сделал всё прекрасным в своё время… всё, что делает истинный Бог, останется навечно. К этому нечего прибавить и от этого нечего отнять.» (Эк 3:11,14).

  2. I have not followed this video because I know it is beyond my comprehension. However, I have some grasp of the double slit experiment – which has no explanation beyond the abandonment of our notion of reality.
    But the one thing which I doubt has been explained is the origin of consciousness.

  3. Biology is bullshit because somehow we can decode the book of life by understanding its molecular constituents and structure this is equivalent to claiming that we can understand a book by analyzing the ink marks on its pages. identifying a basic alphabet of these marks. cataloguing their combinations and permutations SEEKING TO EXPLAIN HOW THESE PERMUTATIONS PRODUCE WHOLE SENTENCES, PARAGRAPHS AND CHAPTERS-INDEED THE WHOLE BOOK ? A TEXT IS THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL SURFACE OF A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL WORLD OF MEANING. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REDUCES THE BOOK OF LIFE TO ITS FLESHY THREE DIMENSIONAL TEXT. WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TEXT BECAUSE OUR BRAINS DECODE THE INK MARKS ON THE PAGE AND MANUFACTURES MEANING FROM THEM

    For we can no more say that the ‘causes’ of disease lie in missing or ‘misspelled’ genetic sequences that we can say that the ‘causes’ of a poor text lie in its bad language or misspellings. And we can no more predict a person’s behavior or bodily functioning by analyzing their gene that we can predict what they will say by analyzing their alphabet or vocabulary. Just as words mean different thing in different contexts so are genetic ‘instructions’ read differently by the body in different molecular, cellular, organic, natural and social environments. all that genetic biology can ‘prove’ is that if certain letters are missing then certain words cannot be spoken or may be physiologically ‘mispronounced’

  4. 01010100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01000001 01001100 01001100 01000001 01001000 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01001101 01101111 01101000 01100001 01101101 01101101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110011 00101110 01100001 00101110 01110111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100001 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100101 01101110 01100111 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000001 01001100 01001100 01000001 01001000

  5. I think this lends itself well to the idealist view of existence where consciousness is the most fundamental thing in nature. Note I didn't say "supernatural," which to me is tantamount to saying "unreal." There is nothing that is unreal; it's either real, or it isn't. It seems to me that consciousness, no matter how ethereal and non-descript, is nonetheless "real." So why can't it be the most fundamental aspect of the natural where things get progressively more non-descript the smaller we go-until we get to, consciousness. The thing that has no substance but is nonetheless "real." We experience it every day. We can't just wave it away because it makes us feel uncomfortable.

  6. How can the photon follow multiple pathways at once and ultimately "commit" to the one that gets it there faster WITHOUT existing in all of those places at once?

  7. The damp maple minimally work because sister-in-law characteristically saw till a well-made slime. towering, mixed chill

  8. Biology was always my best subject in school because it's so logical. But there were always some unexplained things like how enzymes function. In the last few years I really studied quantum mechanics on my own. I saw his documentary about quantum biology and I have to say I would love to study this subject. I think it has so much potential to understand life and use the knowledge. Nature is incredible efficient and our technology has so much to improve.

  9. I had to watch/read all the lectures of a quantum mechanics course before I watched this video and dug up all the background research. Quantum biology seems good to me from an explanatory point of view (e.g. DNA mutation at a quantum level), even though as a Darwinian I assumed it was just "Random". This is not Quantum Flapdoodle/Quackery/Voodoo but legitimate. Wow!

  10. How to understand: what is live?

    Life is matter + mind

    Life was started from quantum level:

    quantum matter + quantum mind

    So, at first needs to understand these 2 small concepts

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