
5 Intelligent Humanoid Robots You Will Intend To Buy In Future – Best Robots #30

Inventions World

5 Intelligent Humanoid Robots You Will Intend To Buy In Future – Best Robots #30

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1. iCub HumanoidRobot

The iCub is the humanoid robot developed at IIT as part of the EU project RobotCub and subsequently adopted by more than 20
laboratories worldwide. It has 53 motors that move the head, arms & hands, waist, and legs. It can see and hear, it has the
sense of proprioception (body configuration) and movement (using accelerometers and gyroscopes).

Site Link –

2. Poppy Robot

Poppy Humanoid is the flagship creature. It is aesthetic, modular, and parametric. From a single arm to the complete humanoid,
this platform is actively used in labs, engineering schools, FabLabs, and artistic projects.

Site link –

3. Actroid F Female Telepresence Robot Looks Super Real, Creepy
Actroid F can speak in your place, using webcams to watch and mimic your facial expressions and movements.

4. Petman

Petman is an anthropomorphic robot developed by Boston Dynamics. It was designed for testing chemical protection clothing,
they used it to see how the clothing would react in realistic situations. Petman is able to balance itself and move freely;
walking, bending and doing a variety of suit-stressing calisthenics during exposure to various chemical warfare agents.
Petman also can simulate human physiology within the protective suit by controlling temperature, humidity and sweating, to
provide realistic test conditions.

5. Nao
NAO Next Gen : the new robot of Aldebaran Robotics
NAO is an interactive companion robot.

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27 thoughts on “5 Intelligent Humanoid Robots You Will Intend To Buy In Future – Best Robots #30
  1. Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, 
    Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it, 
    Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it, 
    Snap it, work it, quick, erase it,…

  2. Translate please "deveria fazer ele denovo de material plastico quase totalmente talvez ele andasse perfeitamente e colocar bateria por tras das canelas!"

  3. AI is part of the end times scenario, please listen to Jan Markell and pastor Billy Crone:
    Judgement is coming soon, the 7 year Tribulation with the antichrist is right around the corner! Don't accept his mark (666, probably a micro chip) and don't worship him or you are doomed! Accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior who paid on the cross for your sins and came back to life on the 3rd day!!! We have to come to the cross as broken sinners.

  4. People are softened, weakened, so that we no longer need to live much, walk so far, think so hard or experience life, but robots do, and we no longer communicate in person much, but our cells are our go betweens. Tech evolves, and as we outsource our own physical and mental capacities, we regress…to a dumb, useless and extinct state.

    The Answer is: All governments MUST tax all robots. A single robot to be defined as something that replaces a single person's job. If one robot replaces 10 people, then it is taxed 10 times, and this tax should equal the amount it would otherwise cost to keep a human worker, and this tax revenue needs to go ENTIRELY and DIRECTLY into providing a basic income to ALL countries people. It should never be manipulated or invested or in any way intercepted before equal division and each individual benefits. This is the only path of equalization, because boycotting, protests or discussion is already lost. What you can do? Don't LIKE this comment, but paste it, discuss it, in person, at lunch with anyone, instead of discussing the weather. Suggest it repeatedly and relentlessly to each and every political representative whenever they are present…I mean unless in the near future you plan to leave land and live on a boat with your children, and simply watch from a distance as the world is further dumbed down and devours each other further. ELON THIS IS THE BALANCING REGULATION NEEDED!

  5. Chcete aby roboti měli plynulejší pohyb jako člověk ? není to tak těžké 🙂 znám code 😀 I epicentrum zemětřesení své vlny posílá do okolí, pokud pohne nějakým svalem, tak u ostatních svalů v okolí přidejte také pohyb v podobě o jedno menší "vlnu" a to pošlete dál, robot bude mít plynulejší a více ten pohyb svalů bude vypadat jako lidský

  6. Oh, they're so 'clever' and all for our convenience, are we to suppose? At what point will people realise that cops have been replaced with robots? At what point will the programme switch from 'contain and restrain' to 'kill'? At what point will we awake to find ourselves encapsulated in a machine controlled by the psycho-killers?

  7. Erica Sophia and Arsenal collaborating Sophia Robotic's Robot's reading and writing software applications hardware hardware drivers debugging humans error deleting hamans errors 360-D AutoCAD Sophia and Erica robotic robotics robots collaborating together 2 design the best type of proton accelerator liquid hydrogen accumulation liquid hydrogen tanks oil compressor field for the best design for fastest gamma ray or sun particles in the world from the periodic tables back down to earth straight brain mapping all man and women develop developing development developed the best design with all other robotics and robots cognitive official intelligence

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