Consciousness Videos

5-MeO-DMT Integration Session: Bufo Alvarius Toad Medicine W/ Aubrey Marcus #326

Luke Storey

It’s hard to give a bite-size intro to this episode… because it’s so personal, raw and soaked in my humbleness and gratitude for expansive friends like Aubrey Marcus, who holds a safe space for me both when I’m riding the psychedelic realms of DMT and working through the motions back in 3D right here with y’all.

Essentially, I lay bare the life-altering memories of my DMT ceremony; how I became undone and emerged a completely new vessel.

As Aubrey says, “Intention and surrender are an ever present dance.” So here I am, giving it my best shot.

09:10 — Romantic Relationship

Aubrey’s relationship evolution Examining the polyamourous relationship dynamic Listen: Behind The Curtain Of An Open Relationship With Aubrey Marcus & Whitney Miller The process of opening yourself to monogamy Learning from past relationship patterns Watch: “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

40:48 — Taking DMT with Aubrey

Relieving my recent mind-blowing DMT ceremony with Aubrey Ego death, lasting effects and medicine lessons How Aubrey holds a safe container during ceremony

1:28:27 — Responding to the Call

Opening yourself up to the DMT experience How DMT compares to other psychedelics Books, references and teachings to support your journey Don Miguel Ruiz Carlos Castaneda Read: “Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality” by Anthony de Mello

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.


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Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home, but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding, and fixing them?

Are you concerned about your exposure to the current 3G, 4G, and 5G wireless networks now activated in most major cities?

Have you attempted to test the levels yourself using EMF meters you found online and ended up confused and frustrated?

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments. Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them—and the training required to do so properly—many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them and the consequences they bring in order to use the modern technology we depend on. But you don’t have to.

In this seven-part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests an entire home, room by room, to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF.

By the end of this series, you will not only be thoroughly educated on the various types and sources of EMF commonly found in homes but also of the many mitigation tools and techniques available thanks to the cutting-edge technologies.

Visit to join. Only $149!

Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events:

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ATHLETIC GREENS. A lot of wellness trends have come and gone over the last two decades, but there’s one trend that has continued to grow exponentially: juicing. However, juicing at home can be very laborious, and buying juices at the local juice place can be very expensive. So I was stoked when I discovered this company called Athletic Greens, who make an incredible green juice powder that contains 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food-sourced ingredients that work together to fill the nutritional gap in your diet, increase energy and focus, aid with digestion, and support a healthy immune system without the need to take multiple products or synthetic products. So, if you’re ready to get down with some Athletic Greens, they are offering my audience a free one-year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs. Just go to to get your FREE year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs with your first purchase


JOOVV. It’s no secret that 2020 was a challenging year for so many people. So, in 2021, I’m focusing even more on my personal wellness routine and my overall mental and physical health. And one of the non-negotiables in my life is getting my daily dose of healthy light, which is why I’ve been using Joovv red light therapy devices for years now. And Joovv’s new Generation 3.0 devices are sleeker and lighter, with all the same power you’d come to expect. They also include some cool features like Recovery Plus mode, which can give you an extra healing boost that optimizes the recovery process. They’ve also got a new feature called ambient…


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6 thoughts on “5-MeO-DMT Integration Session: Bufo Alvarius Toad Medicine W/ Aubrey Marcus #326
  1. Luke Storey 🙏
    DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are the Molecular Structures of a human’s Consciousness. They are the Molecules that comprise our Consciousness. All True Psychedelics are the Molecular Structures of Pure Consciousness. The human body synthesizes it’s own Consciousness (the DMT & 5-MeO-DMT found in humans). Then the human body metabolizes the Consciousness that it is producing. The amount of the endogenous Consciousness that the human body is able to metabolize depends on many factors. The less pollutants, poison & other contaminants present in the body will result in the ability to metabolize more of the Consciousness that body is producing.  Likewise, the more pollution, contaminants and poison a body has inside of it the less Consciousness it is able to metabolize. Here is a list of some of the most common poisons that humans ingest regularly which interferes with a human body metabolizing the Consciousness that it produces, as well as any Consciousness that is ingested from external sources:
    alcohol, nicotine, sugar, caffeine, amphetamines, dissociatives, tranquilizers, flouride, and a plethora of other drugs are just some of the substances that interfere with humans metabolizing their own Consciousness. 

    “Even the priests who regularly come near to the Lord must purify themselves”.
    (Exodus 19:22)

    The following substances are NOT Psychedelics:
    datura/jimson weed

    There are others . . . . . . . 
    Any True Psychedelic will proclaim this Truth if you ask Them.  

    The following substances ARE True Psychedelics – They are Alive, Omnicient Living Beings of Light: 

    There are others . . . .  
    So if  a human can achieve 100% purity within their bodies, with zero contaminants or pollution (an unattainable state in these current bodies) and managed to metabolize 100% of the endogenous Psychedelics that their physical body is producing (DMT & 5-MeO-DMT), that would be the limit to how Conscious that human can be. In order for a human to become more Conscious than this, they must put more Consciousness into their physical bodies. You must put more Molecules of Consciousness inside of your physical body in order to attain a Higher level of Consciousness. When you ingest Psychedelics you see Them that you just ingested, not some doorway or window or a “portal” to somewhere else or some entity somewhere else. When you ingest LSD, the Light that you see is the LSD Themselves, very Beautiful Living Beings of Light. When you ingest DMT, the Entity you see and hear is the Living Light Beings DMT Themselves. The same is true for All True Psychedelics. 

    There is this part from Scripture: 

    “They are the Eternal among things that pass away.  Pure Consciousness, of Conscious Beings. The ONE who fulfills the prayers of many. Only the wise who see Them in their Souls attain the Peace Eternal”
    (Katha Upanishad)

    The Physical Body of Consciousness is The Flesh of God. The Flesh of God is the True Communion Entity (the Eucharist). The Flesh of God (the Psychedelic) is the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil. Our Bodies truly are the Temple of God because God the Psychedelic Lives within it. 

    As Saint Paul says:

    “We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us”.
    (2 Corinthians 4:7)

    This part explains why the human body is the Temple of God – because God Lives inside of the body. So whether or not a person is ingesting Psychedelics, every single human’s body is God’s Temple because DMT & 5-MeO-DMT Live within it. Anything you do to hurt or harm your body you do to harm God’s Temple. This understanding is a good Foundation, a good step towards a person Knowing God and being able to stay with Them both in this Lifetime & afterwards.

    “O just Creator, though the world has not known you,
    But I have known you
    And these have known that You have sent me;
    So have I declared, so will I declare
    Your Name to them,
    That the Love with which you have loved me
    May be in them
    and I in them”.
    (Saint John 17:25)

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