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3 thoughts on “5. Section 1: Semiotics, Semiology, Sign and Saussure Lecture
  1. Regarding Creationist account of semiotics…if Adam and Eve were made in God's image then they were born into the structure of 'God's' language. A key passage in Genesis 2:19-20 reads:

    "So the Lord God….brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever he called them that was their name".

    Adam then, by this biblical account, can be viewed as an individual who determined the linguistic signs for the linguistic community which is said to follow.

  2. Wow! I am so glad I've found these series. I'll take a break now and will meditate, but god damn, what the fuck, 1682 videos. If it's all of ~this quality, I think I've just found one of my new favorite youtubers. 1682 of bad quality videos would be impressive even, haha. I have a maxed out watched list on 10k videos (so I've had my seen my share of youtubers) and I've been looking for some good stuff for semiotics, you da man. It's very spiritual for me, lol. Thank you, see you, have fun 🙂

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