Consciousness Videos

8.01x – Lect 24 – Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE

Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics.

This Lecture is a MUST. Rolling Motion – Gyroscopes – Very Non-intuitive – Great Demos.
Lecture Notes, Torques on Rotating Disks – Gyroscopic Behavior:
Assignments Lecture 21, 22, 23 and 24:
Solutions Lecture 21, 22, 23 and 24:


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27 thoughts on “8.01x – Lect 24 – Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE
  1. Great video. I sure wish I could follow the math! (Math was my nemisis; I HATED Evans Hall!*)

    Anyway, I HAVE to correct some people here. Many comments below have concluded that a bicycle wheel's angular momentum and/or precession are responsible for a bicycle and motorcycle's steering. And that countersteering is the result of the wheels' affect on steering dynamics. This is not true. The gyroscopic effect being responsible for bicycle steering is a long-time myth that many of us were taught (I was). It is not true.

    In another comment, I referred to a UC Berkeley professor. Well, the very lecture to which I referred is on YouTube! Not the same one, but more recent. Check it out:

    It's bicycle a bicycle's geometry, including head tube angle, axle offset created by fork rake, and resulting trail that is responsible. He made a bike with standard wheels steer "backwards;" lean right, bike steers left, completely opposite of what we're all used to. The wheels were no match for the "wrong" geometry of the bike. He let me ride it and was surprised I could do it in one try. (It wasn't like the opposite-steering handlebar bike in Smarter Every Day though.)

    And he also refers to someone who made a bicycle with four wheels. Two normal wheels that ride on the ground and two extra wheels of the exact same mass that spun in the opposite direction. These secondary wheels nullified the angular momentum of the bike's wheels. The bicycle rode perfectly normally.

    *You Bears know what I'm talking about!!!

  2. From time to time, I watch Dr. Lewin's lectures to check my English skills; how much I can understand his talking, just only his talking in English. It's a very beneficial way to study English for me. On top of it, I enjoy re-discovering the remarkable knowledge about the beautiful universe we live in.
    I always thank for his efforts on "der Wissenschaft!"

  3. It Is a very Good laissons. But it Is à basic physique. About the force. The direction of the total force (from two force coming from the same point). The total force Will have 45 degrés.

  4. Mechanical engineer since 2004, PhD in engineering, professor at the university for 15 years… But I am still amazed by nature and by these kind of lectures. All my life trying to be a better professor, just like this guy! 🙂

  5. I have no formal education but I explain these Gyro principles to my fellow Bikers (motorcyclist) all the time. When they pay attention to them as they ride they are really amazed because they never thought of the Physics of Gyroscopic's the wheels are enacting on the motorcycle… awesome lecture Mr. Lewin. Or is it Dr. Lewin?

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