Art Theory

How To Do the Leg Drag Pass, Theory and Practice

Stephan Kesting

Rory Van Vliet demonstrates how to do the leg drag pass giving you both the theory behind the pass and the actual steps to do it the most efficient way. This is from, the newest instructional from Grapplearts in which Rory and Stephan Kesting show you how to systematically shut down and counter all the most powerful and most popular guard passes your opponents will use to try and pass your guard.


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12 thoughts on “How To Do the Leg Drag Pass, Theory and Practice
  1. please ONLY show PURE no gi techniques, for people shouldn't have to rely on a weapon in what's supposed to be weaponless combat, this was mostly no gi but still EXTREMELY irritating to see the instructor grab the collar at the end…

  2. I<ll definitely try this. the older version of leg drag seems to be mostly good for being fast and maybe unpredictable when using it. The counter is really annoying and smashing the legs never seems to work. It<s like it works or it doesn't with grabbing only one leg. Thanks again.

  3. this is my #1 standing guard pass. I'm still tossing the legs, but I will actually try to fake guys out by trying to throw to the left (just for instance), then suddenly throwing to the right. The guys tend to reposition themselves to defend that fake out and it makes it easier to get around the other side.

    Of course, actually grabbing someone's ankles/feet/gi pants is the real problem, at least once they get wise to it.

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