Art Theory

The Tiki Room Vs Cultural Appropriation | Art Theory In Disneyland


DISCLAIMER: The following video, like every video on this channel, is not intended for children. This is an educational and analytical video intended for adults. While the topic and setting of the video is commonly associated with children, the purpose of this video is to present a combination of Analysis, information, and comedy about said media from a distinctly adult perspective, which may possibly include adult language, adult themes, and mature perspectives.
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“Welcome to our tropical hideaway, you colonizers, you.”

Today we look at The Enchanted Tiki Room, Hawaiian history, and the eternal question: “Is my favorite tiki bar being culturally appropriative?”

Additional Credits:

Cassie Shima – Kansas McMayo – @CassiePrologue
David Ganssle – Walt Disney – @Doggans
Zach Hurst – John Hench – @TheRLKing

The Mele “Maika’i Ke Anu O Waimea” is used courtesy of:
Halau Hula O Hokulani
Kumu Hula: Hokulani DeRego
2009 Merrie Monarch Festival:
Donate to the halau’s nonprofit: The Lawrence and Hokulani De Rego Foundation

The colonization of modern day Hawaii continues. #ProtectMaunaKea.

Background Stock Video of Hawaii:

“The House of Leaves” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

“Doh De Oh” by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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Merch shop:

Alessandra Dreyer, David Ganssle, Ed Vaira, Michael Hamilton, & Peanut B. Crunch


#CulturalAppropriation, #HawiianHistory,


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28 thoughts on “The Tiki Room Vs Cultural Appropriation | Art Theory In Disneyland
  1. I can definitely agree and see where you’re coming from. The two different kinds of viewing aesthetics are amusement art(escaping from real life) and magic art( Reminders of the real world), I think most people view the enchanted Tiki room from the amusement point of view.

  2. Whenever I think about cultural appropriation I think about my childhood….. and all those Tiki themed birthday parties I had at my neighborhood pool……. really wish literally anyone in the world had been around to explain this kind of stuff to me.

  3. I admit that I used to be one of those white dudes who didn't care too much for "cultural appropriation" theory. It very often gets misinterpreted as saying you can't emulate or consume products of other cultures, which would be a stupid and separatist sentiment. That said, it IS true that there's a history of products from certain cultures being marketed and then distorted through stereotyping, and that this usually went hand in hand with a disrespectful and imperialistic attitude towards the culture producing those items. And, let's be frank, it IS fundamentally hypocritical to hold racist views towards a group of people while remorselessly consuming stuff associated with their culture. People need to realize that it becomes appropriative when disrespect becomes part of the picture.

  4. Thank you for this very fascinating video! I love the Enchanted Tiki Room but I always get so uncomfortable at the Dole propaganda video before the show, as much as I love Dole whips lol

  5. You kept saying Doles. And I kept hearing it. and then it clicked sometime later when I had a jarring flashback to the beginning of the video

  6. Peter Coffin brought me here. Thank you for talking about the annexation of Hawai’i! I was born and raised in Honolulu, and it was dismaying coming to CA for school and realizing how the takeover of Hawai’i was relatively unknown 🙁

  7. This was a nice video.


    I've seen bassoons in my school. It's my favourite instrument… Funfact: It's called "Fagott" in German, and that brought me into trouble once when we had transfer students from the UK.

    I just wanted to share that with you guys.

  8. Thank you for opening my eyes to the history of Dole. I figured out that the old dude was the same Dole as the company before your reveal but it's still disgusting.

    BTW I came here from Peter Coffin. Take my comment praxis for the Machine Spirit!

  9. To be fair to white people, it's hard to avoid cultural appropriation when most of your history is built on stealing what you want from other cultures.

  10. Thanks for pronouncing my name right (for a short name, almost No one gets it right.,)…Good luck and looking forward, as usual, to the next one!

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