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43 thoughts on “art tip to make your drawings look ~fancy~ #shorts
  1. you can also overlay some "noise" to make certain parts stick more out.
    also sometimes you can get some neat result by using a very light gauss blur on top of some chromatic aberration to get this cyberpunk overlay/background layer.
    also don't be afraid to actually play around with your layer's settings.

  2. ๐Ÿ˜…OK but how do I do this with pencil and paper? ๐Ÿ˜Œ I like my sketches on paper for me. ๐Ÿซ  Itโ€™s a lot hard to do it online for me.

  3. Art tip to make your drawings look fancy!…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..GET GOOD.

  4. I have the opposite problem. My rough drafts look terribly, and nothing like the finished product. Which would be fine, except Iโ€™m part of this thing where u can submit quick sketches and one will get chosen to be the thumbnail of the video. And my stuff never gets chosen cuz it looks bad, and nothing like what it would if I finished. But the group doesnโ€™t want people to finish art, and spend hours on it if it wonโ€™t be chosen. So Iโ€™m not a lot to submit final stuff, but my quick sketches look like a 12 year olds angsty deviant art page. Itโ€™s my catch 22

  5. Iโ€™ve said it before and Iโ€™ll say it again,
    Your advice has saved me so many times, and now itโ€™s like second nature. You are truly a staple in the online art community

  6. when i draw digitally i do the sketches with different colors. like when I sketch out the eyes i use one color nd when i sketch the hair i use a different color.

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