Consciousness Videos

Building Critical Consciousness for Educational Equity | Nicole West-Burns, Ph.D. | TEDxOshawaED

TEDx Talks

On a critical exploration of marginalization, Nicole leads us through what social change in schools would lead to in a truly equitable education system. She helps us understand what it would feel like, and challenges us to think about a continual progress of learning and growth. Dr. Nicole West-Burns works as a consultant on educational equity issues. Since 2008, she has worked with educators in Ontario to support/guide professional learning promoting equitable educational outcomes in schools for students, using Culturally Relevant & Responsive Pedagogy (CRRP). She is a leader on equity initiatives in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, and is currently a facilitator with the Education Equity Secretariat’s Office, developing and leading provincial work tied to deepening understandings and practices of CRRP. Dr. West-Burns taught on the faculty in the Master of Teaching program at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)/ University of Toronto (UofT). She worked as the Director of School Services (Urban Schooling) at OISE. She served as a lead writer on the “Equity Continuum: Action for Critical Transformation in Schools and Classrooms”, which sold thousands of copies and is on the required reading list for the Ontario Principals’ Council. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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34 thoughts on “Building Critical Consciousness for Educational Equity | Nicole West-Burns, Ph.D. | TEDxOshawaED
  1. Equity is the Western Marxist term for socialism. I would have more respect for the speaker if she identified her political agenda from the outset.

  2. Critical consciousness is grounded in Neo-marxist critical theory. These practices are antithetical to a free and democratic society. Very concerning thinking about teacher following your advise or our kids to be exposed to your talks or your ideology.

  3. She started her speech with false definitions. Equality is opportunity to succeed. Everyone has equal opportunity if you work hard enough. Equity is outcome. Everyone receives the same things regardless of effort. Equity can only be achieved in a Communist society. This woman is delusional.

  4. Only 1minute of watching this to see the problem in public school system. It’s corporate BS that made its way from the boardroom to classroom. The difference is that most employees aren’t drinking the cool aid so they see the stupidity.

  5. Whew this lady is insane… Actually wants to teach victimhood. Didn't say a word about actually teaching math or history. Truly an evangelist for woke

  6. 8:06 "Math came from Africa"… this statement seems ahistorical. Mathematical concepts that influenced the Greeks and later European mathematicians have precedent in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian empires. I agree with the bulk of what the Dr. says, but I don't think she needs to invent facts to make her point.

  7. What a mythological culture we have become. We must pretend that all social disparity comes from group oppression even as Asians and African immigrants outperform whites and women outperform men across most pillars of education. "Equity" is now a race to the lowest-common-denominator bottom, led by cultural Marxists who are unsatisfied with equality.

  8. She's a little too angry. I mean I get that this is a topic to be angry about, but when you are doing a talk to get people thinking being angry and yelling at people doesn't help at all. This seems more like just a session to complain and not really something that helps us. She's just all over the place trying to get to too many topics and not giving time to think or any really concrete solutions. I had a prof like this for my masters, he had such good things to say but was so angry and condescending it was just too hard to take anything in.

  9. No equality to fight for? Adopt Marxism and talk about equity, equity makes everyone worse off, fair isn't better than hierarchy if everyone is equally worse off.

  10. Equity, racial equity, in DEI(Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is a Marxism resource re-distribution plan to achieve equal outcome. Race alone, cannot correctly summarize a person's life experiences, the nuances and personal choices etc., to justify differential treatment of individual. A person simultaneously belongs to many, many identity groups, each with so-called "privilege" or "victimhood" that are not universally agreed upon. Why only consider race, but not all the other identities, in terms of "privilege" or "disadvantage" in order to grant equity? Re-distributing education resources, and treating each person differently, in the name of racial equity, social justice, is discrimination. Equity adds new layers of injustice, and violate 14th amendment of equal protection in constitutional law, and against 1964 civil right movement spirits. We have to go back to EQUALITY.

    **EQUALITY always trumps equity.**

  11. Wow! I am thankful I found this resource. It has caused me to think so much about my practices and all I have to still learn…and unlearn. I cannot wait to share it with my colleagues.

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