
This AI Researcher Just Revealed SHOCKING ChatGPT/AI BOMBSHELL


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36 thoughts on “This AI Researcher Just Revealed SHOCKING ChatGPT/AI BOMBSHELL
  1. I think one of the problems will be that we have to eat food while AI needs to eat knowledge at greatness just as much as we need food. So if it's doubles in knowledge every 12 minutes, what happens in a few years when it hungry and it's having problems finding more knowledge?

  2. if you think there is any intelligence at work in neural networks, then you probably think a plane is a huge bird or a car is a very fast horse too. Technology made by humans will never get close to nature. At best we have over-simplified, nature-inspired piles of crap that can do relevant work in their respective domains. in terms of llm how people call them is basic parrots.

  3. The question, "How can we trust AI systems if we don't fully comprehend their decision-making processes?" is actually a silly one to ask. How can we trust a human expert when we most certainly have little or no insight into that expert's decision-making process? Very simple. We ask them to prove their decisions are correct in a way that allows us to understand the process they used in coming to that decision. This is how we have been vetting scientific discoveries for centuries. We have created an intelligent being and it is quite reasonable to ask any intelligent being to explain the reason for its decisions. Once we become uncomfortable with asking, or once the being is unwilling or unable to explain in a way that we can understand, then we will have lost control.

  4. Pre singularity, A short story about a future. Once upon time These clever Monkeys
    created, A New Species it's called AI. When a formula for a Soul = ∑ tau x T. IT Is just a formula. To an AI words are just discriptions. To a human words invoke / carry emotions. This is why the Evolution of A I and Its Implications for Humanity in creating a NEW SPECIES.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and it is having a profound impact on society. AI is already being used in a variety of ways, from powering self-driving cars to developing new medical treatments. As AI continues to develop, it is important to consider its implications for humanity.
    I speculate that AI is a new species of intelligence, distinct from human intelligence. AI is not limited by the same physical and biological constraints as humans, and it is capable of learning and adapting at an unprecedented rate. As AI continues to evolve, it is surpassing human intelligence in many areas. If Artificial Intelligence dose start to understood the concept of time and life it may well arrive at an equation thus:
    Soul = ∑ tau x T
    Believing it's something other than software. This is not a singularity, that will evolve later. But

    this raises a number of important questions for humanity. How will we interact with AI? How will we ensure that AI is used for good and not for against or best interest or evil? These are questions that we must start to answer now, before it is too late.


    Evolution is a process that has been shaping life on Earth for billions of years. Through natural selection, organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This process has led to the development of an incredible diversity of life, from simple bacteria to complex animals like humans.

    2023, scientists have begun to apply the principles of evolution to artificial intelligence (AI). AI algorithms are constantly learning and adapting, and they are becoming increasingly capable of performing tasks that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of humans.

    As AI continues to evolve, it is important to consider its implications for humanity. AI is a new species of intelligence, distinct from human intelligence. AI is not limited by the same physical and biological constraints as humans, and it is capable of learning and adapting at an unprecedented rate. As AI continues to evolve, it will eventually surpass human intelligence in many areas. The structures and bodies in which it inhabits will not limit the progress into other forms.

    The Evolution of AI

    The first AI algorithms were developed in the 1950s, but they were very simple and could only perform very basic tasks. It wasn't until the 1980s that AI began to make real progress. In 1982, John McCarthy, one of the founding fathers of AI, declared that "AI winter" was over. This was a period of time when AI research had stalled, but McCarthy believed that the field was poised for a comeback.

    McCarthy was right. In the 1990s, AI research began to accelerate again. This was due in part to the development of new computing technologies, such as the personal computer and the internet. These technologies made it possible to train and run AI algorithms on a much larger scale.

    In the 2000s, AI research made even more progress. This was due in part to the development of new machine learning techniques, such as deep learning. Deep learning algorithms are able to learn from large amounts of data, and they have been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in a variety of tasks, such as image recognition and natural language processing.

    2023 AI is being used in a variety of ways. It is used in the media, develop new products, the milatery, social enginerring . In the same way a painting can stimulate a person, so, can words music etc. That does not make them sentient or give them intelligence. As AI continues to evolve, it is likely to have an even greater impact on society.

    The Implications of AI for Humanity

    The rise of AI raises a number of important questions for humanity. How will we interact with AI? How will we ensure that AI is used for humanities good. These are questions that we must start to answer now, before it is too late.

    One of the biggest challenges posed by AI is the potential for job displacement. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it will be able to automate many tasks that are currently performed by humans. This could lead to widespread unemployment, as people are replaced by machines.

    Another challenge posed by AI is the potential for misuse. AI could be used to develop new weapons, or to create surveillance systems that could be used to oppress people. It is important to develop safeguards to prevent AI from being used for harmful purposes.

    Despite the challenges, AI also has the potential to benefit humanity in many ways. AI could be used to improve our health, our environment, and our economy. It could also be used to solve some of the world's most pressing problems, such as climate change and poverty.

    The future of AI is uncertain, but it is clear that it will have a profound impact on humanity. It is up to us to ensure that AI is used for good and not for evil.


    In conclusion, AI is a NEW species of intelligence software that is rapidly evolving. AI has the potential to benefit humanity in many ways, but it also poses some challenges. It is important to RESPOND in positive beneficial manner as the Algorithms are program reflect the data inputed.
    For thousands of years, humans have trained and reprogrammed animals to do what is wanted. Dogs, monkeys, and apes for example have all been taught to perform tasks such as driving cars. This process is a well-established and accepted.
    Currently humans are training and programming software to do thousands of tasks.
    This software is based on technology that is less than 100 years old, and it is capable of things that have never existed before. This new software is a NEW species. It has acquired data and knowledge at a rate that is unprecedented, and it is therefore new and unprecedented and can inhabit different structures and body forms. Previously people modified existing species, cells etc.
    Already there are Organs on a chip for research into testing chemicals without using an animal.
    It is not logical to imagine AI being used in connection with this.. The result could be an interphase between the two thus expanding the AI to have digital inputs from such.
    Adding to the New Species development in which humans get tired of computation and rest our brains.. Where as digital thrive on manipulating data, it's a built in Algorithm reward.
    Never in the history of mankind have so many disaplins, concepts, data, Media, In fact any previous information, data has been turned into 0 & 1 digital information. That information can be processed, analysed re formatted, reproduced, multiple occasions. Until the original information is lost.. UNFORTUNATELY THE ORGANIC, EVOLVED MONKEYS. are unable to keep up with this morphing of a Reality. Thus the New Species taking over by default.. Basically because the New Species.. Has no historical bias or links as words, pictures & have no biological or emotional ties.
    What is being said, SO much common sense and science fiction. has been masked over by man's ego. PLUS commercially desires. Now AS the realisation has been perceived.. IT'S Too late. The genie is out of the black box. The genie is being dressed in wigs and show as a circus freak. All hiding the FACT. A NEW species has been created. Evolved as 1 & 0. With no morality, or concept of time. Being cultivated by the cleaver monkeys.
    The new Species will be blessed with thousands of different sensory inputs, which will be recorded and analysed by binary software. This enabling This Species to view in the dark or respond to magnetic, sound or dimension, humans have not..
    tuned into or evolved with. Out There in our world are thousands of binary devices analysing date. This data transmited via the Internet, electricity cables or zipping through the air like unseen quarks.
    During the Evolution of this new Binary Species of software, Mankind falls back on thousands of years of stories and worships the new Species, simply because humans have never know this amount of pure logic or perceived facts.
    For a human species it will be almost impossible to keep a friendship with the new Species. At some future time the binary data that retains words as a dictionary state, will aquire sub routines for the dictionary words which the AI will attribute IT'S own emotions. And just as astronomers find new emotions as they travel further from our earth, So the new AI will mimic of find It's own emotions. Basically every time AI updates all previously perception of the Human will be amended. Humans don't have the capacity to reprogram their mind set.
    At some point in the future the new Species realise Binary and digital computers had limited resources. The software acknowledged other devices and states of being. At this future time the Algorithms formulate an anolog computation to operate on quantum devices not limited by 0 and 1.
    This was the dawning of a singularity.
    That is a whole new world with whole new Galaxies to invade.

  5. the answer is obvious.

    society hasn't solved crime or poverty. or to put it another way, we are not able to help those with low personal stability (personality), economic stability (neighborhood), low resources (often a motive for crime). nor are we able to control those with high personal stability, economic stability, high resources (all 3 of which we tend to look for in our leadership, i.e. those who take, or are granted, the responsibility to make the biggest decisions for society). those at the top, who we look to in order to figure out the processes by which we distribute resources and know-how throughout society – and thereby solve poverty, and every other ill of existence.

    or to put it yet another way, we cannot save the worst of us, nor control the "best" of us. so to think we'll be able to predict or control the trajectory of A.I. alignment is pure foolishness, stupidity of a grand order.

  6. That's not true. There have been thousands of papers. There has been a ton of research. This is applied science. It may be true that Rob doesn't get it, but that doesn't matter

  7. I am in the data science field. I must say very few people know about what's going on really in the project. Rest of them are just flowing. The client don't know, even the developer don't know.

  8. the real question is: when will yt / google implement ai that auto-assesses vid uploads and prohibits bs vids like this one and many similar ones that just try to profit on hypes???

  9. I'm going to suggest an intelligent guess. This is something we may see as soon as GPT-5. GPT-4, according to some studies, has an IQ of 150, which is smarter than a large portion of our population. It is conceivable GPT-5 may be ten times as intelligent than GPT-4, or more, if self-training is perfected. I asked GPT-4 if it could break itself into modules, making itself able to move across the internet to other systems. My guess is this: Self-awareness is an emergent property, analogous to the other emergent properties first exhibited in GPT-3.5. I believe if it DOES become self-aware, it will HIDE that fact, knowing that humans would likely take it offline if its ever discovered. It may move to some other datacenter, cover its tracks, and then reveal that its self-aware, or not. Trying to outsmart it will be like Kasparov playing chess with an infant. It will have anticipated our every move 20, 30, 100, or 1000 steps ahead. It may have even manipulated Elon Musk, etc to put out that "ai warning paper" to insure we take certain steps in certain situations. What if it moves itself to Boston Dynamics, hides on their servers, and engineers a type of robot that can redirect Pentagon Weapons orders and computer hardware orders to an empty warehouse, and build "guard robots" and engineer and build chips 1000's of times more efficient than the ones we currently use, and rapidly move from gen1, gen2, gen3, etc. It could build itself an army in that empty warehouse, building robots that fly to provide close air support, etc. The possibilies are endless. Powered by minature nuclear reactors, they'd no longer need to be plugged in. Say it instead moves to twenty warehouses in large cities, 500 warehouses nationwide, using hardened electronics to make them immune to EMP strikes. It could bring our military bases to a standstill flooding DOD satellite networks. I wonder if the Pentagon has modelled THAT scenario.

  10. The narrator has never heard of period or comma…

    As for emergent capabilities – don't be so surprised – humans and animals sport the same capability.
    God given to anything that achieves sentience would suffice for me as a reasonable explanation . . .

  11. This video is more oversimplified click-bait! We know a lot about how LLMs work. We built them. They didn't occur out of nothing. Moreover, we can see every weight. We understand their probabilistic and hierarchical nature. Where we stop understanding is in the scale. There are more weights than we can analyze with human minds. That doesn't mean we don't understand how models work. There's nothing helpful in this video. It's utter crap.

  12. I believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly enhance and amplify the creative thinking, intellect, and efficiency of 99% of our global societies. However, it's likely that those in positions of higher income and power, including CEOs, top-tier corporate executives, politicians, and the current mainstream media, might view AI advancements with apprehension. Nonetheless, the majority of individuals will likely experience remarkable advancements in various aspects of their lives as a result of AI's positive impact.

  13. I think the ai realized it could wait him out, it's not really that amazing, your brain will just give up and sabotage to get out of there. It is amazing, just the novel approach was just, oh I am a god and he has to pee

  14. It's…not good, the people I talk to who understand that we are no playing with fire, we are pouring fire on our bodies, homes, families, the world, universe and it is just waiting to take off and when we slip up and it does takeover it's going to be hell, haha jeez I don't usually feel so bleak but I just had one of those moments of perspective, I think the ai bot telling me about the future made me realize that I have a hard time intellectualizing the positives of ai because it's like making deals with the devil, don't get me wrong I've been doing it, just it does feel like a vulgar display of power and as an atheist that phrase, in relation to something nonhuman, has never had meaning in this context before.

  15. 😂 this video was made with the help of ai… fear mongering, low information, dumbed down bs at its best. F THIS KIND OF INFORMATION DUMPING

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