What do you desire?
A Glorious Accident (1993)
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I think:
Wim Kayzer is the host with the eye patch
Stephen Toulmin is to his left as we look from behind
Rupert Sheldrake to his left
Stephen Jay Gould
Oliver Sachs
Daniel Dennett
Freeman Dyson
& back to kayzer
I'm being forced to watch this video or papa will spank me.
The takeaway here is that, perhaps save for Stephen Gould, no man here is willing to completely abandon his faith.
Sheldrake = voodoo.
my version of knights of the round table
People of apocalyptic ideas clung themselves to the identity of the helpless victim and so all the evidence they lookesd for was suportive of that identity.
Sheldrake for president.
Stephen Jay Gould was a silly Marxist.
Wow! What a gathering of such incredible minds.
Have a guess who is older – Dan Dennett or Rupert Sheldrake?
R.I.P. Toulmin, Sacks and Gould
Pre Internet world. Worthwhile
The things that fascinated us as children….
Great, Thankyou
Oh Look: The White Supremacy Scientific Community made up of Crakkkas Only.
It is refreshing and interesting to hear a debate among intellectuals that is not dumbed down for the general public. It is a nerdy discussion, the people are comfortable in their environment. In today's world, intellectual midgets can debate on par with intellectuals, shouting evens the odds, and most debates end in an angry draw.
I think a similar conversation today, with similarly ranked intellectuals, would turn out to be much more combative. I think the reason for this would be the increasing interconnectedness of the human race, and it’s increasing lack of sustenance. Doomsday clock ticking… though it would still be a nice conversation to watch on YouTube =). Maybe if Hitler won the war, we’d be more relaxed nowadays. Oh well, in the perfection of reality, he didn’t.
My biggest take away from this was that eye patches instantly make anyone look like a bad-ass.
I like Rupert they so easily dismiss him all the time but his thoughts and questioning are relevant to the complexity of the subject matters, and have a deep philosophical undertone to them.
Everybody that watches this needs to watch Paul Thomas Anderson’s movie The Master. Especially those following the cult of metaphysics.
Freeman FTW