Consciousness Videos

Roland Martin: Don’t Listen To These ‘Fake Conscious Negroes’

Roland S. Martin

If you follow anyone on social media who encourages you to not vote, or who tells you voting is pointless, you need to unfollow them right now.

Roland Martin says there are a lot of “fake conscious Negroes” who like to preach about prison reform and police brutality, without realizing they have to vote to change those things! You have to vote for district attorneys and sheriffs and judges, that’s how things change. Posting angry videos online does no good if you don’t go and cast your ballot on election day.

Martin urges everyone to not listen to all of these “fake Malcolm X’s” who “know nothing” and are spreading a bunch of foolishness. Voting is your voice, and your voice matters.

We may not have won everything yesterday but he says, Black people “are not giving up because we have not given up in 399 years,” and we’re not giving up in the 400th year! Adding, “we will fight until hell freezes over and then we will fight on the ice!”

Audio credit: Tom Joyner Morning Show

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30 thoughts on “Roland Martin: Don’t Listen To These ‘Fake Conscious Negroes’
  1. At least they don't cut off their panel and don't let them get a word in edgewise…Further, to tell people to vote or die is really motivating the voters. Why call names such as stupid & dumb because you don't agree with them that's so mature…

  2. This negro is calling out Black folks. Sounds like Roland had too much hot sauce. Where's Hildabeast Clinton? I'm sure she has some hot sauce in her purse. Some Blacks aren't voting Democratic anymore. Get a damn clue, Roland. The Democratic Party haven't served the Black community very well. While they're caping for illegal immigration, they're throwing the Black community to the side, which hurts Blacks the most, not to mention taking the rest of the American citizens to hell as well by not securing our southern borders.

  3. To all that don't agree with Roland,please tell me how if we don't vote gonna change some…Yall listening to Tariq who's scared to say he has a white wife(aint none wrong with having a white wife)..he's all about the money and yall just overlook that..smh #Roland Martin

  4. I don't and never will follow the CONscious community. Keyword CON. They talk and have no action. It is very patriarchal where the agenda is to cause disruption and to throw black women and children under the bus. They might be masons or agents. Think about it.

  5. Roland calls people who favor criminal justice reform but don't vote as dumb and uninformed. Well, sir, there are some of us who after 8 years of Obama with two of those years with control of the both House and Senate, NOBODY was talking reform of the criminal justice system and add the educational reform to that list. The only time they seemed to want to talk about it, was when it was impossible to get done. Reforming these systems will ultimately lead to a massive loss of jobs. Does anyone really think politicians are interested in that?? If you do, keep listening to Roland and Uncle Tom Joyner while they continue to fill your head up with a totally false narrative.

  6. Why do we include brown and yellow people when we are talking about black agenda strategy? When they have their meetings and public statements, they only mention their color. Jews talk jews; whites talk racism; yellow people talk money, brown people assilumate…neither white nor black.


    The “original” Five Republic Sovereign Nation’s USNA Constitution prohibited the African Slaves {African Nativity] from being citizens of the United States, Article 13, Section 12, to wit:

    "The traffic in Slaves WITH AFRICA is hereby forever prohibited on pain of death and the forfeiture of all rights and property of persons engaged therein: and the descendants of Africans shall not be Citizens" (> of the colonial Black British George Washington’s Federal Corporation United States).

    A type of freedom for Africans is also found in Sec. B of the same article: "Involuntary Servitude (of Africans) except for crime, shall not be permanently established within the District … Persons held to Service or Labor for life, shall not be denied" the Sojourn.

    In other words, African-Americans and especially Black Aboriginals of North America was never to become corporate slaves nor “voluntary servitude” of the colonial Federal Corporation United States and its Federal States, Federal Cities and Federal Counties (> Title 5, United States Code § 1501(2)), thereof. Y’all was to remain under the “original” de jure sovereign unincorporated general government, the colonial corporate Federal United States, in the United Nations, is not a sovereign government, it can sue and be sued.

    Today, the colonial corporate Federal United States is Bankrupt, and has been for several decades, this corporation is mirroring Black Folk’s de jure sovereign government. The colonial corporate Federal United States President, Congress and Senate, are not the “original” constitutional Congress and Senate, rather CEO (>Trump) and Board of Directors (> United States Congress & United States Senate) are disguised/mirroring you Black Folk’s sovereign government. Why? The colonies was never granted Independence, sovereignty nor did the original nations endorsed the federal constitution, the Negro Da Terra > Black “original people” > We The People, annexation the colonies via corporate status, i.e., Colonial Corporate Political-Partisan States (> Title 5, United States Code § 1501(2)).

    Government De Facto vs. Government De Jure

    Government De Facto: A Government of fact. A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government, a government not established according to the constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy, but which has nevertheless supplanted or displaced the government dejure. A government deemed unlawful, or deemed wrongful or unjust, which, nevertheless, receives presently habitual obedience from the bulk of the community. See, e.g., Black’s law Dictionary, Six Edition.

    Government De Jure: A government of right; the true and lawful government established according to the constitution of the nation, and lawfully entitled to recognition and supremacy and the administration of the nation, but which is actually cut off from power or control. A government deemed lawful, or deemed rightful or just, which, nevertheless has been supplanted or displaced; that is to say, which receives not presently [although it received formerly] habitual obedience from the bulk of the community. See, e.g., Black’s Law Dictionary, Six Edition.

    NOW THE BOMB SHELL, you Black folk are the “qualified voters”; however, today you’re a colonial corporate federal “registered voter” (> 13th/14th Amendment > Volunteer Servitude via Adhesion Contract), voting to pay the debts and salvaging a bankrupt corporation. Ironically, you’re not only the creditors, you the beneficiaries of US Trust, Inc., et. al.. The de jure sovereign government y’all left behind is the “confederation” of Nation-States, which the de facto colonial corporate Black British Federal United States (>misnomer), is mirroring via its Caucasian colonial serf puppets and viceroys.

    Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the Black British to miseducate and advocate for the Black, Brown and Coppertone > “original people” of North America to register to vote, while overthrowing, supplant and displace (>genocide) the “original” United States. Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 4 Cranch at 212: “original United States”, Harcourt v. Gaillard, 6 L.Ed 216, 12 Wheat at 523: “There was no territory within the (original) United States, USNA. See also, Alden vs. Maine, 527 US 706: “Sovereign Immunity drives not from the Eleventh Amendment but from the structure of the “original Constitution”; McCreary County vs. ACLU, 545 US at page 872: “and it is no less baffling to leave out the “original Constitution” of 1787 while quoting the 1215 Magna Carta”; Kansa vs. Marsh, 548 U.S. 163, 165 L.Ed 2d 429, note 1: “The original Constitution contained few guarantees of individual rights against the states, and in a clash of governmental authority there was a small risk that the state courts would erroneously side with the new Federal Government”.

    In closing, why not take your vacant seats contrary to salvaging your oppressor’s bankrupt company, after all, its incorporated and registered under y’all’s seal? "In this extensive sense… the United States may, without impropriety, be termed a corporation…(3) a corporation is altogether dependent on that [> 1782 United States 4 U.S.C.S. § Chapter 2 § 41 “Official Seal”] government to which it owes its existence. Its character may be forfeited by abuse; its authority may be annihilated, without abuse, by act of legislative body…People of a state (Nation) created…can only change, its constitution…of the United States – that it must be a Republican form". Chisolm vs. State of Georgia, 2 U.S. 419,447, 2 Dall. 419, n.Ed.440, 452.


    Article VI § 1 of the “original” constitution states in pertinent part: “All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.” The Black aborigines of North America are the confederation, the sovereign confederation Nation-Sates [> Title 5, United States Code Services § 1501(1)] are the “original” Republic Government (Article IV § I, Const.). This Black confederation gave birth via anneaxtion to the “con-federal corporate Black British colonies. See, e.g., George Washington's 1789 Inauguration speech: Monuments of Washington's Patriotism, 1789 pp. 77 & 79, to wit:

    “This day the great illustrious Washington, the favorite son of Liberty, and deliverer of HIS (not Our) country, entered upon the execution of the office n…t Magistrate of the United States of America … His Excellency … attended by a COMMITTEE (Not Members or Representative) of the Senate and House of Representatives, to FEDERAL HALL …”.

    "We, the Senate of the United States,…Congratulate you on the complete organization of the Federal Government,…on your elevation to the office of President, an office highly important by the powers constitutionally ANNEXED to it … in which the APPOINTMENT is made". M.W.P., p. 79.

    Simply because White folk false sense of pride painted all the colonial corporate Black/Mulatto British Federal Presidents (>CEOs) White because of there shamefulness of being the first colonial slaves of North America, don’t mean his-story is true. Hell, white males didn’t receive their right to vote until 1866-1870 via the Federal 14th Amendment. See, e.g., U.S.C.S. Lawyers Edition, Amendment 5, Amendment 13 page 439-40, Citizenship-gen., page 460.

    UNITED STATES. This term has several meanings. It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in family of nations, it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends, or it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1703.

    FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. “The system of government administered in a state formed by the union or confederation of several independent or quasi, independent states; also the composite state so formed.

    In strict usage, there is a distinction between a confederation and a federal government. The former term denotes a league or permanent alliance between several states, each of which is fully sovereign and independent, and each of which retains its full dignity, organization, and sovereignty, though yielding to the central authority a controlling power for a few limited purposes, such as external and diplomatic relations. In this case, the component states are the units, with respect to the confederation, and the central government acts upon them, not upon the individual citizens. In a federal government, on the other hand, the allied states form a union,—not, indeed, to such an extent as to destroy their separate organization or deprive them of quasi sovereignty with respect to the administration of their purely local concerns, but so that the central power is erected into a true state or nation, possessing sovereignty both external and internal,—while the administration of national affairs is directed, and its effects felt, not by the separate states deliberating as units, but by the people of all, in their collective capacity, as citizens of the nation. The distinction is expressed, by the German writers, by the use of the two words "Staatenbund" and "Bundesstaat;" the former denoting a league or confederation of states, and the latter a federal government, or state formed by means of a league or confederation.”’” Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 740.

    On that note, y’all Black Folk got the game twisted, the Federal United States allegiance is to your Black asses, you're the creditors and beneficiaries of the Debts/Trust.

    Ernest Rauthschild

  8. Roland Martin is the biggest racist and propagandist for the democratic party! Roland, just so you know, the smart black American will vote the right way, because they are educated and won't be deceived by the Democrats!

  9. love how the conscious community is pro-black, but willing to fight black people and other conscious people, not do anything to change the situation, but complain because the situation hasn't changed.

  10. Roland knows better. The Democratic party has to actually offer black people something to improve our situation. We arent going to keep supporting everyone else's agenda over fear mongering about what republicans will do. Martin Luther King Jr talked about liberals who wanted to end racism in the south and ignore it in Chicago and Boston.

  11. I believe that voting is important but is only part of the solution. The black community needs to be self-sufficient, start their own business and build wealth. This was done in 1921 with Black Wallstreet but for some reason, our community has lost focus. One of the reasons I believe a lot of the Chinese community doesn't vote is because they understood the concept of being self-sufficient, building wealth and not depending solely on politicians to do things for them.

  12. All you who identify yourself as a african should see that the voting battle failed, it still doesn't benefit blacks. This Roland is a damn joke and thinks very low of black people, persons like him are dangerous because they bring you down with their own "yes massa i lick your ass for a dollar and keep the other negroes in place" kind of mentality.

  13. When will black people realize Hispanics do not like black people as a general practice. There cannot be a lasting Coalition with them, because at the end of the day the needs of blacks and Hispanics differ. A Hispanic person will never vote to have their taxes raised by hundreds of dollars a year, so that reparations can be played to the descendants of slaves. Why would they? Being on board with Hispanics flooding the country only serves to dilute and weakened the power of blacks, making black now the third most important group in the United States, instead of the second. How did that help us?

    As far as the vote, the black vote needs to be channelled and directed purposefully, not squandered the way it has been for decades. Perhaps not voting isn't the answer, but having a vote so reliable and taken-for-granted hasn't worked either!

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