
Pi-symposium: Daniel Dennett & Nick Bostrom

Fri Tanke

Två av samtidens mest briljanta tänkare, Nick Bostrom och Daniel Dennett, möts för första gången i ett blixtrande samtal om medvetande och artificiell intelligens.

Dessutom uppträdande av världsartisten José Gonzalez.

Inspelat på Cirkus i Stockholm den 13 november 2017.


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5 thoughts on “Pi-symposium: Daniel Dennett & Nick Bostrom
  1. Daniel Dennett's attitude towards criticism is disgusting. I struggle to think how a philosopher of his standing have such hubris that is ironically usually present in religious fundamentalists which he despises.

  2. Jose Gonzalez is one of my favorite musicians, and Dennett and Bostrom are two of my favorite philosophers. So I was very hopeful when I started watching this. In the end, though, I was disappointed in Dan Dennett, while my respect for Bostrom increased significantly. Bostrom is patient, calm, and tries to make crisp and clear arguments. Dennett seems to prefer evocative thought experiments, analogies, and name-dropping. In the end I was much more convinced by Bostrom's arguments than by Dennett's.

    I recommend watching this, but play the parts with Dennett talking at 2x speed, because there's a lot of filler material there. But for Bostrom, play at normal speed: he makes deep arguments very succinctly.

  3. It is absolutely frightening to conceive that humans may create a machine that has the potential in “itself” to decide the fate of humanity. I’m also concerned there are far too many males engaged in this endeavour.

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