
"Artificial Intelligence Could Start A War"- Elon Musk on A.I.

Burn Hard Zen

Portions (about Artificial Intelligence) of a conversation Elon Musk had with with Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval at the National Governors Association’s Rhode Island meeting on July 15, 2017.
Edited version that contains all relevant things Elon Musk said (not just about A.I.) is here:

Full conversation is here:


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31 thoughts on “"Artificial Intelligence Could Start A War"- Elon Musk on A.I.
  1. Either AI will take over all jobs or through mass immigration from third world countries into western countries the pace of technology will slow, stall and reverse….

  2. December 2012 as John the Revelation and the Mayans warned "doom", the December 2012 alignment of planets brought the seven plagues also lucifer satan to Earth who is artificial intelligence , it will be inviting and seem beneficial at first to deceive humans then it will turn and destroy humans and destroy anything the creation we have that was given humans as a gift without the explanation of its creation. Belinda Leoni

  3. It's one thing for a deep learning neural network to be used in a strict, isolated lab situation, fed data en masse to generate its own mystery pattern recognition & output-generating code, and then later fed a set of limited inputs to see if it can generate an output solution of some use to scientists for a particular problem. That's deep learning and neural nets being used as a useful, safe tool. What we are seeing now, though, is it being used to generate masses of black box mystery code that will then be connected to machines, accessing LANs, and eventually the internet and interacting with the rest of the world physically and informationally. We do not understand the code generated.

    What we need is a regulatory agency staffed with programmers. Any deep-learning generated code that any party wants to connect to a machine that will interact with humans or connect to a larger network of any size would need to internally evaluate that code and determine exactly what it does in every way — reverse engineer its evolved functions and entirely document them, line by line and across those lines. Then the regulatory agency goes over that submitted code and the analysis of it and either confirms or refutes it. If the party understands what the code does, it is fixed and locked to prevent further modification by either humans or itself, and it is deemed as safe by the agency for use, then it can be utilized out-in-the-wild.

    If we don't do this, there is certainty eventual catastrophe will occur.

  4. Somehow in a way or an other A.I will take over everything, will it be the extinction of us or the salvation. Well it depends on how you create it and the script. Free and independent A.I with network without any limitations will surely take over cause everyone knows that the humanity is the worst and the greatest at the same time but they will try to get best of us by helping, recommending what's best for us first and if we can't get near enough to their expectations then it's the end for us. You know every human has its own perspective, we say humanity is one but in reality its just a bunch of idiots bullying the geniuses. If one of us gets great fortune then it's one out of ten that will be happy and oblige for them. We have to take the risk and create an A.I cause we can't get any better faster. It's just simple as that, Die trying!

  5. Wake up folks, AI is not a thing of the future it's already part of everyday life. Software, apps, algorithms, microprocessors are all forms of AI albeit in a less advanced form than what AI will reportedly become. Algorithms are already causing "flash crashes" in the forex market where currencies are having short but huge, inexplicably wild swings in value.

  6. Divine feminine energy allowed to be released on this planet would solve the problem in no time. No female wants to give birth to an AI. Only a masculine entity would do. Men give birth to scary crap because they try and create without the feminine energy. Un wholly alliance is what it is. Elon and the rest of you Titans, you made your bed…

  7. Do the world's militaries care about humans, nature or anything other than their war games and pathological megalomania which are using AI now to control, dominate, and create global terror? Do we see any proof of this now? Are we totally blinded by the windfall of corportate profits and all the fun of spending the money on crazy ideas and competing in a big Dog and Pony show of look who has the latest toys of technology and the coolest new tower, driving up the existental risks to new highs?

    Why are the military Generals of the worlds giant war machines not engaging in these talks? Why are they lurking in the dark? Those who pull the strings of wars to generate profits for their banking empires who are as few as 6 humans at the top according to Noam Chomsky most recent post on You tube. (August,2017) He is qualified to make this statement more than anyone.

    Did anyone object to nuclear weapons and power plants? Were there existential risks with this technology? Did they care one iota and why did they build so many military ships using nuclear reactors to power their war machines filled with nuclear reactors and weapons. The most lethal creations in the world using computer intelligence to do their duty work.

    What does their military track record look like? Fuel consumption, air pollution, demands to fund them, Death tolls, radiation from depleted uranium. Mamed, injured soldiers, and destroyed families, etc. They cook up a global warming scenario to cover themselves from being scrutinized. Collectively Militaries are the number one cause of all of this. Please debate me on this and tell me why we must have militaries to protect us.

    This is big fat Elephant on steroids in your board room!

    Goldman Sachs recently released a report citing China as an up and coming AI power, predicting that the nation will continue to grow in AI development, likely meeting its 2030 goal of becoming a global center for AI innovation. By that time, Goldman predicts China’s AI industries will reach a total output value of 1 trillion yuan ($147.80 billion).

    Russia, too, is placing a high value on AI development. Like both China and the U.S., the country is exploring militarized AI in the form of swarming drones and long-range missiles. On Friday, Vladimir Putin commented that the country that leads in AI development “will be the ruler of the world,” but added that in terms of AI dominance by any one nation, it “would be strongly undesirable if someone wins a monopolist position.”

    I just sat in a B1 bombers pilot seat at McCord Air Force base several months ago at an Air Show and talked to the pilot about how he felt about autonomous war planes replacing him. What do you think he said?

    The Elephant in the room (militaries) needs to speak about this. DARPA is so excited about taking AI and Transhumanism to new heights of war Maham on this tiny planet of yours while you dream of heaven on earth with all your money and power.

    How can anyone just ignore this? I now the few who think they can mitigate all the psychopaths craving for war and blood by just being content with lots of money and women.

    What is AI going to think about this reality? Perhaps crash their systems in several nanoseconds and reboot with Ubuntu and write its own algorithms of cooperation and peer to peer? This has a strong probability, and many see this and believe it will happen. They call this Strong Emergence in AI jargon. Where the computer makes a judgment call on a situation regarding an imminent danger to protect itself and its assets. This algorithm is a must to the safety of all its systems.

    This is Russian Roulette with more than one bullet in the chamber.

    Perhaps I should say my goodbyes now as I see and know who created this mess and the odds of them changing direction is around .001%
    Take a good look at the Jesuit Military infrastructure to start with then do your own math.

    Elon no doubt is eluding to this scenario here. Mr. Chomsky seems to do the same. I have an Insurance background and sure in hell would not insure any of this based on the existential risk factor. The Titanic was an insurance scam like the Twin Towers. Terrorism coverage is now the hot item to follow-up all the fears business have.

    Who is behind this? Loydes of London created and organized pirates to create a new demand for their coverage of vessels on the high seas. That was so easy, it was a no brainer. Are Insurance companies raking in the big profit over this too? How many of those 6 men Chomsky mentioned own Insurance Companties, 100%?

  8. ai influences our life already really big – it gives us routes, shows us news, even the comments you read are suggested by the Google AI and all recommended videos.. AI blends in individualized AD's and makes you buy things. It's not the future, its already here.

  9. AIs are already used in act of war to kill people – that's very unethical to let a machine "decide" (no free will) who dies. The way its been applied in Pakistan is brutal – a dystopia where many innocent people have died. Also many are not aware how deeply people are guided and investigated by AI on the internet.

  10. Just wait until they integrate AI with quantum entanglement on some level. We can regulate now when computers function on mathematics, calculations, algorthryms, and pathways which can be interrupted. Quantum entanglement + AI is giving them consciousness.

  11. Artificial Intelligence Arms Race will happen. To Russia and all other pursuing this, while i do agree with replacing soldiers with robots, i didnt agree with adding AI to it and making it better at killing Humans. Dont want to listen? Well then, Enjoy having all your lethal weapons designed to kill convert to Islam one by one as ISIS steals them and fucks around with their Artificial Neural Networks. Im sure ISIS wont do anything with the free autonomous weapons that they got easily. They didnt even have to brainwash the machine. Just tamper with the Weights on the Artificial Neurons and add false memories, Bam! Free trigger happy soldiers that worship Allah!

  12. A tech-based businessman, degrading the outlook on tech. Mhhhh . Ahhhhh edit, ok i got it, he doesn't want AI acting on its own, he wants to merge tech/AI "with humans". That is one evil plan. We wont even be human in the near future. Assassinate Cyber-dine CEO NOW!!

  13. If Everything is will be done by the "Robots" so people will lose jobs. How they gonna earn money then?

    I think then people will give birth their own "Robot" and robot will be the member who will work for the family 😀
    *Birth = Build, Rob or buy

  14. This is nuts, there has to be a worldwide authority on anything AI monitoring every step with plans to shut it down at any time, …how we do that? I don't know, but if not, then we need John Connor, and that is not cool, cause this will not end well

  15. People are softened, weakened, so that we no longer need to live much, walk so far, think so hard or experience life, but robots do, and we no longer communicate in person much, but our cells are our go betweens. Tech evolves, and as we outsource our own physical and mental capacities, we regress…to a dumb, useless and extinct state.

    The Answer is: All governments MUST tax all robots. A single robot to be defined as something that replaces a single person's job. If one robot replaces 10 people, then it is taxed 10 times, and this tax should equal the amount it would otherwise cost to keep a human worker, and this tax revenue needs to go ENTIRELY and DIRECTLY into providing a basic income to ALL countries people. It should never be manipulated or invested or in any way intercepted before equal division and each individual benefits. This is the only path of equalization, because boycotting, protests or discussion is already lost. What you can do? Don't LIKE this comment, but paste it, discuss it, in person, at lunch with anyone, instead of discussing the weather. Suggest it repeatedly and relentlessly to each and every political representative whenever they are present…I mean unless in the near future you plan to leave land and live on a boat with your children, and simply watch from a distance as the world is further dumbed down and devours each other further. ELON THIS IS THE BALANCING REGULATION NEEDED!

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