
Daniel Dennett Doing What He Does

Philosophy Overdose

Just some random talk by Dan Dennett on Darwin’s strange inversion of reason.


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32 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett Doing What He Does
  1. When you say Daniel Dennett does what he does, do you mean stuttering during speech, breathing slightly too heavily through his nose & discussing out of date Freudian theories that have been disproved with modern science? Or do you mean not thinking outside the box about the facts of science that give loads more evidence to a God than Darwinian principles that presume a complex primordial cell?

  2. "Loads more evidence to a God…" Like, siamese twins? 30% of all pregnancies ending in miscarriage (making God the ultimate abortionist)? How about the DNA profiles of animals which show that cows are closer to whales than to horses? Or human chromosome #2, which has been shown to be a fusion of two chromosomes that occur in chimps, bonobos, and orangs? How about Polio? We learned how to beat Polio through science, not through praying.

  3. Is there a more detailed explanation of some of his concepts? For instance, when talking about the 'need to know' concept he explains that an organization doesn't need to know for it to use or function with the actions of the concept but fails to explain the original concepts creation or reason for first existing. We don't know how it FIRST came to be utilzed.

  4. This is the down syndrome idiot who thinks that the universe pulled of the "Ultimate Bootstrap Trick" and pulled itself into being. That is a metaphysical absurdity…

  5. Empty space is not empty. The space between space is growing. We can observe this. Before you start calling people idiots, you should at least familiarize yourself with the most modern of scientific discoveries.

  6. You don't find it at least a little bit interesting that the best method for acquiring objective knowledge about the universe we live in (science) never comes across anything Godlike?

    It didn't have to be that way. The universe itself could have been, in fact, identical to what one might imagine as supernatural; with gods doing their thing, where one theology is objective and demonstrable and where prayer works.

    If all that were true then that would be part of science. It isn't. Get over it.

  7. Anyone who can watch 2 minutes of a 75 minute lecture by one of the finest minds of a generation and be capable of determining the merits of it must be a freaking genius…or a simpleton…which is the one that makes tough-guy, anti-inquisitive generalizations and types idiocies like "nexttttttttt"?

    The connection Dennett draws between Turing's theory on computers and Darwin's on evolution alone is electrifying. Only a muppet couldn't get off on something like that.

  8. I can only hope this video gets way more views from people sharing it. I'm not sure how many people in the general masses are intelligent enough to understand him or patient enough with the time to watch the whole video. Thank you Brad Younger for the post. 🙂

  9. Very good! Thanks for sharing. Should be included as required viewing in all high schools in this country – perhaps then we could begin to move beyond the Bronze Age religious notions that still predominate among us in this benighted nation.

  10. Dennetts evolution stopped many years ago. He seems so ignorant about so many new discoveries in molecular biology and especially in IT. As a philosopher he makes many logical mistakes, in some sense he is very narrow-minded and arrogant individual – embarrassing indeed to many modern scientists, especially philosophers. He doesn't know that he doesn't know! Indeed viral is his new atheism – the only reason for his popular speeches full of pseudo science and science fiction. He obviously does not understand the difference between theory and dogma. The most dogmatic are those who hate dogma and despising others who dare to question them (especially ''the four horsemen'' and their followers).

  11. Let's see. "Strange inversion" I wonder if this fellow knows what that means. Then he uses the work "reason".I wonder if he knows what that word means.
    I doubt  e has answers to both questions.

  12. I enjoy reading the religious comments about this "deadly and dangerous" science.  SMH…I guess I'd say the same thing if I knew the demise of my religion was near.

  13. I don't know whether this addresses your points but consider the following: creationism is an ignorant concept given to the world to explain how the earth and its sun came to be. This because every unknown at that time used the same religious explanation. If you can't explain it God did it. Of course evolution that is now an undisputed fact and is the result of excellent science, observation and even common sense.

  14. 59:10 "Delere Auctorem Rerum Ut Universum Infinitum Noscas".

    Delete the author of things in order to understand the infinite universe = Darwin

    Not easy to memorise but I like it. I mean, Harry Potter couldn't use it in battle; 19 syllables is too long.

     It'd make a better benediction or incantation than a defence spell. Maybe it could be invoked to break the spell of the One Book?

    One Book to rule them all
    One Book to find them
    One Book to bring them all
    And in the darkness bind them.

  15. I spoke with Dan on the phone a few years ago for only a couple of minutes, as he had to attend a meeting somewhere. I wish I could spend a few days with him; the occasion would be memorable and mind blowing.

  16. George Bernard Shaw said it best: "It is as easy for me to believe that the Universe made itself as that a maker of the Universe made itself: in fact, much easier, for the Universe visibly exists."  How fraught with simple logic and unavoidable reality. Just bring your god down and show itself; that is all the proof I require. Can you do it? Of course not, even with all your irrational blabbering and pathetic attempts. Prove it.

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