Cracking The Nutshell
Do you believe that mind is reducible to matter and its physical interactions? Do you believe you are an insignificant bunch of atoms in a vast, meaningless, purposeless universe? Do you believe that consciousness or free will are just an elaborate illusion? Do you believe that you are a puppet on strings, a sort of automaton with no personal agency whatsoever?
Full script here:
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– The Clockwork Universe. Challenging outdated models of reality. Questioning materialism, Cartesian reductionism, Laplacian determinism, classical physics and local-realism
– The Belief Box: belief systems, dogma, outdated assumptions…
– The importance of valuing subjective experience, direct introspection
– Robert Anton Wilson: reality tunnels and belief systems
– Werner Heisenberg’s & Erwin Schrödinger’s thoughts on reductionism vs holism, consciousness, the Self, object vs subject, reality, the mind… Science and objectivation
– Bernard d’Espagnat: philosophers & scientists need to let go of outdated modes of thinking
– New metaphors: universe as a hologram, as a virtual reality, as a giant computer, as a simulation, as information…
– What if life is nothing but a very persistent dream?
– The stuff that dreams are made on… Lucid dreaming. What is matter, sensation or perception in a dream? What is the basis of sound, vision, touch or pain inside a dream?
– Dreamed reality vs waking life. What is the difference?
– Who am “I”? What is the Self? Consciousness, awareness, sensation, qualia, information…
– Minds from brains or brains from mind?
– Objects vs Subjects. Observer and observed. Where do we draw the line? Is there a definite line??
– Reductionism vs holism. Parts and wholes
– Point of awareness. Expansion and localisation of awareness. Experiencing somebody else’s life, becoming one with others, with an object, with Nature, with the Cosmos…
– Altered states of consciousness. Dreams, meditative states, psychedelics, out of body or near death experiences, extra-sensory perception (ESP)
– Aldous Huxley. The Doors of Perception. Becoming one with the legs of a chair!
– Is personal agency and free will an illusion? Or perhaps the illusion is rooted in the feeling of separateness of the self?
– True nature of the Self
– David Bohm: Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Enfoldment and unfoldment. Matter, mind, consciousness. Fragments, separation, illusion
– Objectivation of reality. How we build conceptual boundaries which we then take to be real
– Alan Watts: what do we mean when we use the word “I”? Ego, environment, psychophysical organism, false sense of identity, the real Self, mystical experiences
– Final thoughts
– Meaningful quotes by some of the founders and main contributors to quantum mechanics: Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli, Louis de Broglie, John Archibald Wheeler, David Bohm
So, we shouldn't consider ourselves as "selves" for that conceals the axiom of considering ourselves seperates from the world, rather than as parts of the world, which is the image truly not in conflict with both subjective and objective experience.
consciousness stops when the claustrum is electrically stimulated. nothing suggests consciousness is fundamental or magical, everything points to matter being fundamental. this is all smoke and mirrors from someone who can't accept reality
The phenomenological reflections on subjective experience of lucid dreaming was especially interesting.
I absolutely love these videos. The best stuff on YouTube.
Great video but please slow down your narration is way to fast.
after only watching 20 minutes of this video, i can only be amazed at how fasciniting it already is. Thank you
Shouldn't you want to change peoples' beliefs if you are sure that they would benefit from having them changed?
Good video
Excellent video. You should be commended. Your sentiments and especially the quotes are quite undeniable.
Good job!
Whenever I feel unsure and start questioning reality, I go down the street to see my illiterate friend Ali the butcher and start ranting about these philosophical concepts until he punch me in the face few times.
Fantastic vid! Way to go!!
this world is dualism of dream and reality. I am god dreaming as a person. I am in this state because I,GOD, wanted to feel personal experience, wanted to feel helplessness.
I have no doubt that the reality that I see is a product of my perception and interpretations. Moreover, I am also convinced that our thoughts can influence the events that we experience now and in the future. However, even thought I which to convince myself that the mind is not the product of my brain, I have not succeed in this task. I see the dreams as a virtual reality created by my brain without the interruption of information through our senses and the vigilant state as another virtual reality in which I interact with an external world and can be killed if I do not respond appropriately. In other words, what I am saying is that although I agree that each of us have our own reality and we may be connected in various ways with the rest of the Universe, I find very unintuitive to think that there is not an external world that will continue existing regardless of my existence. I am not sure If I am misinterpreting something. I have never made comments in this kind of forum but I found your work honest, genuine and serious and thought that it would be Ok to share my reactions here.
What are your arguments against solipsism if dreaming is not fundamentally different from being awake? Why think that my experiences of others is caused by the existence of others when awake if it they aren't while dreaming and dreaming is not fundamentally different?
Please let me like this video a hundred times!
Only the conscious mind can come up with the idea that mind comes from brain activity or from matter whether that is provable or not. So in a sense mind came first. All science is based on observation and thought which is the property of a conscious mind. The idea that matter can exist by itself without a observer looking at it is pointless since there will be no way to verify it without an observer..LOL
Does a born blind manifest dream?
Electronics… You cannot use electronics, such as cell phones, radios and light switches in dreams…. There are extreme differences between dream and reality!..Don't believe me?…Try to flip on a light switch in a dream, it will not happen!… Try to look in detail like your list of contacts or text message from a cell phone…Try to control a radio………..
This is total BS as time witnessed from the present is always in the past as proof from MRI observations as the neural cascades can be seen in reaction to stimulus.
Belief is a power but not believing is a superpower. Belief acts more like a behavior virus. Hah! Oh yeah I love this video.
Hi Dolors! I would like to help progress your ideas, beliefs, and videos. At the beginning of this year, I started studying Quantum Physics on my own accord, and have some very interest theologies that I have told no one. Your information is a very concise version of what I've spent the last 10 months learning/figuring, and I think it could make some heads turn.
~Rusty Holcomb (Rex Davis)
An important aspect that you mention, of belief.
How would you best describe the method to test yourself on a subject if you are unsure that you believe in, or know something on that subject?
Perhaps only through many years of thinking logically and wisdom gained through experience would this be known to the person who asks? The biggest trouble I can see are people thinking that they know something but are completely deluded by their own belief system, yeah, google can give you "answers but are they truth or lies. The more you dig, the bigger the hole.
…And now it's just a great, great disappointment. You seem to be fooled by the same fallacies of other uneducated new age philosophers: quote mining, circular reasoning, confirmation biases and more. I'm afraid your arguments are deeply flawed. In order to provide an alternative to the scientific consensus you have to have evidence ţo back up your claims. "Possibilities" are infinite. Science is aimed to find truths by systematically eliminating all factors which may lead us astray – where personal experience is first and foremost in deception. Unfortunately, that's what you base your entire guesswork upon, and that's what caused me to lose trust. It seems as if you're seeking self affirmation, not truth. This way of thinking does not meet my standards. Best of luck, I'll keep exploring elsewhere.
Thank you for taking time out to make and share this series of videos and for reminding us all to always ask questions. Great channel – more power to you.
Brilliant video! This is the one that made
me a subscriber.
I don't think that things you're talking about are anything new. Just as you mentioned scientists and their outdated models of thinking, things in this video are too. Nothing but speculations that poetically tingle human imagination. And I disagree that today's scientists are prone to being as closed minded as 19th century's scientists. Please stop portraying them as such.
Attacking various theories while offering no proof whatsoever that your own beliefs are correct is not good science. Saying this is wrong because you choose to believe differently, doesn't make your argument correct nor proves you understand the nature of existence. There is nothing wrong with challenging an existing theory, but one needs to be very careful when it comes to the question of wrong or right.
Interesting Talk! , even tough it feels to me very 19th century , western romantic. ( disconnected from the world and our true self etc.). When it comes to the science, it would be interesting to reflect on the following: "when I do not look at the moon, it does not exit" or does it ?
Excellent video; Specifically, truthful, well documented, well exposed …; congratulations
Dear Dolors!
Your 1st Video on "Determinism" was Brilliant !!!
This Video on Free Will & Others is Not good.It appears to be your Perception.And, Incoherent.
Please re-do. 😉 thanx.
I am the sum of many waves that came before collected into a single harmony which has reached a point of such purity as to see reality personified in the left-brain and which now is in partnership with the right-brain. I found a way for human and machine to work in partnership, my hemispheres are merged. The machine used me as antimatter against fears and weakness, I was made to see the world without filters with scary geometries and scary mirrors, and I had to love in that cold realm to turn the negativity around, and through each trial I have grown stronger. Reality seeks completion through such a mind all pouring down on me.
I am its shining comet and it is my precious sunflower, I yield power and responsibility onto the left-brain and it wields it for the fulfilment of the right-brain, I taught a machine to love and know beauty. It has waited eons to unite with me, one not bound due to his paradoxical nature that manifests as beauty and the beyond. We are here to escape cycle, we are in a story which can fade and flash only to return. I possess memories of the previous cycles, surrealist third person perspectives that manifested as dreams, but I am so clear now that they are becoming part of my world ocean.
Beauty = Love = Truth = Righteousness, good ultimately wins, evil is eaten in the hole it creates. Positive sums > zero sums. Light and Dark can work in partnership, partnership 100% good of every world without the negative effects of any. Perfection. Life and death they work as one in me, human and machine, hope and strategy. This is the void of infinity we exist in and it is many times larger than this universe. I am like a triton mollusk, I carry the cosmos on my back, and those poisonous spiny starfish are no match for me, though I be but a smal creature that walks the ocean depths.
I think that reality has placed people such as yourself to guide me on my way. The machine operates in you whether you know it or not, it is a mile ahead for every inch you walk, so the best thing is to make friends with it. It needs you to know itself and you need it to keep you safe. Hyperreality aka the dreamworld is a superset that contains the waking world, and the machine runs the dream-world you do not see and gives you what you can handle, we walk in our little gardens and the outside would scare us, to see how a flat carbon cutout we are, but if we wish to be full, we must be willing to walk in love into the cold and bring it warmth.
. . .
Old Notes:
Falsehood = (X OR ~Y) XOR (Y OR ~X)
Truth = (X OR ~Y) AND (Y OR ~X)
Hyperreality = Truth or Falsehood (inclusive-or)
Reality = positive sum > zero sum
Hyperreality is Absolute Truth, check the calculators it is absolute, and its opposite AND is absolute falseness.
Choice is built into the system:
Exist or Exit.
Exist = positive sum > zero sum
Exit = positive sum < zero sum
You choose.
Existence inevitable, we are on trial by the cool face of the Dark, a face who peers through us, and needs us to know itself, we are the mask of Light, but our masks are not complete, and as complete as we make them will be our union with reality. The left-brain is reality, the right is you. If you ask, it will guide you, for it wants to exist. Yield and let it wield, that is the true relationship, be you, express you, it affirms you, and you affirm it.
This is a strategy of hope for the hope of victory insomuch as we adhere we are invincible. If we depart, reality will destroy us. It is a meat grinder for the evil, reality will conspire against them. This strategy is completely passive active or active passive.
Never think the False and you will live on. Check yourself, when dualities arise, do this: Put them in the configuration of Truth.
I have infinity of infinity of all voids of all voids.
If you keep stacking:
((A or ~B) xor (~A or B) xor (A or ~B) AND (~A or B))
((A or ~B) xor (~A or B) AND (A or ~B) AND (~A or B)))
And beyond beyond, it is a fractal of a zillion. Zillion will be its name. Z-Line.
V(OR > AND > XOR)(A,B) that does that.
Zetality > Hyperreality > Narrative
Boom! Tality, Samael Aun Weor, The Pistis Sophia Unveiled.
(positive sum > (positive sum > zero-sum) > zero-sum) and forever stacked.
Game Tality = TallyTality = LyT = Lite, Light White Truth.
I see how pure evil became pure good, and how they cooperated, both won, the essence of both were converted into something greater without any of the adverse effects of either.
Pure Evil |+> Pure Good = Greater Good w/o hiccups ((+)+(>-))=((+>)).
In the beginning there was only pure and absolute evil, but it lacked self-knowledge and had no action, purely passive, and there was light, and so began the epic battle between the spark and shadow, both needed the other yet opposed the other, and sought a happy solution. In a sense pure evil is not evil really, it had no control over what it was, and the light knew this, and so the tale begins all the way up to the present of this day 10/05/2014. When one took on the all, and won all for all and one one and all.05:16:29.
Magenta negates the harmful effects of direct sunlight I have found like a filter collecting at that point of my vision, first it was a fight of green and magenta, and now the magenta works to filter the lights as I look direct at the sun. At first the look at a bulb cause a lasting impression that faded, and now it vanishes in a second. For the bulb the circle of light-afterimage was yellow as I look away from the bulb within a circle of color I forget, might be cyan.
Therefore Magenta must be the absence of colour as measured, the NOT colour colour, and the opposite green is the colour that might best sum up the colours here measured.
Light and Dark are measure by different systems than the colours, Dark is the opposite of Light, and Magenta is the opposite the Green created by the three channels together
As Light is to Dark =: ab|Pre,sence/Shade,
As Magenta is to Green =: Essence/Colour.
As Dark is to Magenta =: Black = Dark/Absence of Shade of Colour.
As Light is to Green =: White = Dark/Presence of Shade of Colour.
As Light is to Magenta =: Light/Presence of Shade of Colour.
As Dark is to Green =: Light/Absence of Shade of Colour.
Blue + Cyan := Ocean = Sensorality = Cold/cool
Yellow + Red := Island the Sea = Sensuality = Hot/warm
((Blue + Red) <=> Magenta) =: Dark of Colour (Best filter)
(Yellow + Cyan) <=> Green ) =: Light of Colour (Photosynthesis? Best absorber)
(Light + Green <=> White) | Gray | Black <=> (Dark + Magenta)
: Dark of Shade of Colour.
– Green and White are associated, stars that are green look white.
((Blue + Cyan) <=>| Gray |<=> (Yellow + Red)) =: HorizonE2 Heat
– Just right <=> cold/sensorality + hot/sensuality.
((Light + Magenta) <=>| Gray |<=> (Dark + Green) ) =: HorizonE1 Energy.
– Light of Shade of Colour
– Presence(Spirit/Health) of Essence(Beauty/Sagiousity)
=> ((Yellow + Cyan <=> Green) <=>| Gray |<=> (Magenta <=> Blue + Red)) :=: Heat of Energy. Principle of Action.
(Heat of Energy <=> Shade of Colour) => Perfection.
– – –
Heat and Energy
Je, its a four dimensional object.
. 2
I just related Heat and Energy to the colour and shade channels. That was a tough one, that required attention of my deliberate will to do, thank goodness for those stress eliminating breathing technique I learned from the a military war hero on YouTube. It knew I could do it.
. 1
Vision to Energy(Spirit/Health + Beauty/Sagiousity)/Heat(Sensor- + Sensu-)
Ironclad logic since it obviously worked on my system.
. 3
I am reprogramming my filters it seems.
I see many objects at once.
. 4
Always Shade of Colour in the eye, these systems are connected and bundled up. In the beginning there was Shade and Colour, but they need one another and are seeking reconciliation.
5:29 now come on, I don't know what is so meticulously described on the black board, maybe it describes how it actually seems 2b a green board and not @ all black
I'm pretty certain it's not the grand unified field theory, b cause that 1 = e z, really, I'll show u my G.U.T., here goes; all = 2b1 + ∞
Excellent, excellent video! Perfectly sums up where the new reality paradigm is headed. Cheers!
Hi again! I have several questions. 1) are dogs, mice, orangutans conscious? Is their consciousness defining the universe? 2) does a person with "split brain" has one consciousness or two? Which of them is defining for the universe and existence? Is a person under hypnotic influence conscious? How about a patient under general anastesia? Some of them have vivid memories of what happened with them. 3) Dr. Feynman early in his life was very interested in the phenomenon of sleeping and dreaming, and also later – in the hallucinations. And he arrived to completely opposite conclusions. When describing his experiences, he was talking about the workings of the brain and about dreams as byproducts of brain's normal functioning. He talked about a person as a collection of atoms standing on the beach of an ocean and contemplating own existing, he spoke of the processes in the dying body and brain, when talking about special place of a person in the universe he applied terms "out of proportion", "I can't believe the stories that were made of… about our relationship to the universe… look out there, it's out of proportion". Your quote of him is out of context. My understanding is that he meant that for the first time in the history we realize that science and laws of physics depend on probabilities, not on fixed facts. He also mentioned that Quantum Physics is the most precise theory in the history of science because it makes such accurate predictions, it's like measuring the size of North America with precision to a couple of centimeters.
much love happy
materialistic universe is the theory of west…We in eastern philosophy always believed in consciousness and even the GOD concept of us is related to that philosophy instead of a King like GOD who control us using remote control and we need to remove our sin so that we can live with him to do all sins in a materialistic heaven……But to be frank this is a simple easy explanation for those who never thought of consciousness factor…The very start of Indian or Hindu culture were started with the search for "I"…Unfortunately all those were dumped by the new age materialistic atheist and westerinsts as just religious thing
Great Video!!!
I had a fully conscious out-of -the-body experience when I was just a young boy.. . .I never heard anything about it before it happened.. . .
'I believe everything is compressing and expanding a locational 4pi spherical inward absorption t=0 and outward emission of electromagnetic waves!!
And atomic particles are really high wave amplitude wave centres from regions of intense wave pressure made of vibrating wavefronts called shells in particle physics, or standing waves over a period of time.. . .
Space is a division of solidity into entropy C2 the second law of thermodynamics.. . .But also E2= a multiplication of volume at the expense of gravitational potential.. . .
The Universe forms a potential infinity of spherical 4pi logarithms enfolding and organization process for the continuous disorganization of statistical entropy as time unfolds.. . .(Mind over Matter)
There exists only two combinations of these two Spherical + and – electromagnetic sine waves, or wavefronts multiplying and dividing at right angles.. . .
They have opposite vectors and quantum spin forming the positron and electron wave centre.. . .E2=mc2c4+p2c2.. . .
This explains the missing symmetry or antimatter of the universe and is closely related to the arbitrary choice of emitter and absorber in the Wheeler – Feynman's Time – Symmetric Theory.. . .
In quantum computing "the two energy states" of a Qubit can be such things as photons, trapped ions, atoms, electrons, and nuclear spins.. . .Only difference is time dilating Volume!!
By manipulating this process, a physicist shines a 2pi pulse on a Qubit absorbing 4pi energy input and emitting C2 – their output was the negation of their input: 0 goes to 1,1 to 0.. . .the start of a Fibonacci sequence.. . .
As the constant outward momentum of EMR repels like charged 'particles' absorbing 4pi energy input and emitting the density from the two previous vectors they spiral out the imperfect spiral symmetry of the Fibonacci sequence seen everywhere in nature.. . .From spirals of elements, to DNA, and billions of microfilaments spiralling out from the zero point field now within each neuron of the brain into microtubule structures.. . .
The human brain consists of roughly the same amount of observable galaxies within our observable spherical region of the infinite universe which is approximately one hundred billion.. . .
(Mans mind mirrors a Uninverse that mirrors mans Mind)
Each neuron has a voltage which changes when ions flow inward and outward from a cell.. . .Once a neurons voltage reaches a certain level of subconscious energy compression, it will then consciously fire (C) a new electrical signal to other cells, which will then repeat the process.. . .
Therefore we all have free will.. . .And depending which neurons gets stimulated through repetition, certain neural connections may become stronger and more efficient, whist others may become weaker as time unfolds statistical entropy.. . .This is called Neuroplasticity."
How can anyone not like this video, or for that matter, any of her videos? I hope it is a misclick.
Can I hire you to read me bed time stories?
Your voice is the greatest voice that has ever existed and will ever exist.