Consciousness Videos

Consciousness beautifully explained in 200 sec | Swami Sarvapriyananda at IIT Kanpur

Vivekananda Samiti IIT-Kanpur

Consciousness and the Mind-body problem appears as one of the most difficult theories in philosophy. But Swami Sarvapriyananda makes it so simple, anyone can relate and interpret from this.

Have a look at this beautiful piece of work done at IIT Kanpur, 5 years back.
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22 thoughts on “Consciousness beautifully explained in 200 sec | Swami Sarvapriyananda at IIT Kanpur
  1. Super interesting. Is it true, though? I still think there needs to be a smoking gun proof that conciousness does exist ouside the individual brain. It all rests there, depends on that. Proper NDEs?

  2. Consciousness does exists outside of the body. As child I experienced out of the body and was amazed. Along with other things I know death will be much better then living This life.

  3. 2:23 – Swami says that without the presence of the mind and body, consciousness cannot be known. But surely this goes against what we read in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, where it says that when all the vrittis of the mind stop, then the self (pure consciousness) can be known to abide in its svarup, or in its "own nature" can someone please comment?

  4. Humble thought for further contemplation:

    And the 'OBSERVER' (i.e. that which is our true unseen eternal essence/self/I… [imagine for a moment a drop of water seperate and made unique through its experiences but yet part of and oneday returning to the whole; that is the ocean!] – which is for the most part or fully overshadowed/substituted/forgotten during earthly cycles of bodily life by the powerful,conjured up, domineering, delusional ego; aka 'not real self/me, myself, I' etc) is where in this schematic?…Could it be before or superior to the part shown as consciousness? {Rhetorical}


    …"I know I am conscious therefore 'I' am"…

  5. In Raja Yoga swami vivekananda explains that subconscious is our reflexes such as that makes us to react when mosquito bites, and consciousness is our judgement our analysis, and focus most of his time to explain super consciousness and samadhi. I didn't understand why these people make the things so complicated out of nothing. Moreover, how he can prove the similarity between hand and light with consciousness ?
    Sheo Singh

  6. In the words of Nisargadatta "The space depends on maharaj and not maharaj on the space" this implies that if consciousness stopped existing, the universe would also stop existing. Which sounds crazy to me but what if this is true? its fascinating.. This could explain the observer effect in the double split experiment

  7. After reading the king James Holy Bible with a scientific perspective rather than "believing " or "disbelieving " the words in the book, I could see clearly that God, the Creator is pure Consciousness, the Living Life,
    the No-thingness in all things & omnipresent. In the Gospel of Thomas ONLY ( not in the other gospels) Jesus says " The Kingdom of God is IN YOU & OUTSIDE of you.< That is the more accurate Truth. 🙏🏽

  8. So are we living forever once we are aware ? Going to sleep unconscious waking up to consciousness ? Our human planets time is linear so we experience it forwardly? Our parents live there whole life and have us as we become a conscious being every time we reawaken; our conscious awareness grows to continue existence as we know it.
    When you say it for what it is it is actually simple and obvious, however will the awareness actually save you? OR is there actually only one way to continue your consciousness after your mortal body passes and that has to do with the one who actually is consciousness. One who would be aware of all existence and there is only one person in history who actually talks about being that and how to be like that. Jesus Christ.
    The only way to save your universal experience. Other wise you would just be reliving the same terrible existence in the darkness without change because you wouldn't have the awareness or knowledge on how to continue. Which is what death is, separation of consciousness AKA God.
    Consciousness is obvious. Learning why you are conscious is hidden. Being enlighten is just the beginning of realizing you need to make sure to be saved people who know and love God which would be the consciousness we constantly reference who became a human to tell humans how to exist without destroying ourselves and each other.
    The Golden Path.

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