In this episode of “ESR Connect – Radiology fighting COVID-19”, European experts discuss how artificial intelligence can be used to support radiologists in coping with the challenges of this pandemic. Moderated by Helmut Prosch, Professor of Radiology specialised in chest imaging from the Medical University Vienna, Angel Alberich-Bayarri (Valencia, Spain) and Georg Langs (Vienna, Austria) give an up-to-date educational overview of the challenges, benefits and pitfalls in the development of AI algorithms in general, and present their personal experience in this field.
Angel Alberich-Bayarri is a biomedical engineer by training and founder of QUIBIM, a spin-off company of the La Fe Research Institute in Valencia, dedicated to quantitative imaging biomarkers in medicine. He explains how AI and radiomics can be tools for the detection and follow-up of COVID-19.
Head of the Computational Image Analysis and Radiology Lab (CIR) at the Medical University of Vienna, Georg Langs is a trained mathematician and computer scientist. His research focusses on machine learning and medical image analysis, and he presents a European multicenter trial currently being set up together with his university’s spin-off company contextflow that will help predict the course of COVID in patients.
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