Art Theory

The Futurists (1967) | Scientists Predict The 21st Century


How close were they? What did they miss?

Discusses the physical, social, and economic forces which have contributed to world civilization. From the Internet Archive.

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45 thoughts on “The Futurists (1967) | Scientists Predict The 21st Century
  1. 12:00 Gerard Piel was presented with the ' In Praise of Reason ' award by the Committee for Sceptical Inquiry (CSICOP) and from the short interview although not hugely confident he does come over sensible.

  2. Time isn't linear, so theres no "future"to predict.
    Time, in the context that these gentlemen are discussing it, is a man made concept.

  3. So much pessimism in the comments section here people bitching in this comments section even when the world gives them everything, like spoiled toddlers you all are.

    But there has definitely been some progress, which they did not predict; Back in the 60s this could only be broadcast on a television, now I'm watching it in the palm of my hand, it also functions as a phone, music player and a camera.

  4. The reason people reject the "Golden Age" of which they speak boils down to trust. Governments world wide have proven over and over they can not be trusted to prioritize the well being of the people of this planet over their own greed and treachery.

  5. 1960: the future will be full of intellectuals and economics, mathematicians and physicist will be star celebrities.

    2020: The Kardashians have been the leading show fir the last 15 years. And are the biggest celebrities in the world because of a porn.

  6. They are really Futurists of their different fields! If they only knew the threat now of Nuclear explosion war, Fatal unresolved Virus, and Porn destruction. But they speak of man"s choices! To determine his future, what he wants, and end. They spoke also of a golden age for the world, if we know how to maneuver that and claim it as our own and want it! These men of great stature are dwindling now in our human species. Thanks to the 1967 Futurists and CBS!!!!

  7. Time and Space have remained the same just accelerated through technologies that we perceive to be convenient. This is what I would tell them.

  8. Thanks for the uploads very much appreciated. It's very interesting to watch. It's like your older uncle spitting knowledge.

  9. Notice he using the word future we'll never see the world The same again and it could be a good thing that's yet to see I'm just saying 🤷

  10. "It's a serious game at the University of Pittsburg about the year 2001."

    Me, an intellectual born on that year: I thought it was Dungeons & Dragons.

  11. I love watching old sci-fi movies and shows and the major prediction after 2000 was space travel being as easy as air travel. Here it is 2020 and space travel is not even on anybody’s radar these days like we went backwards.

  12. That game is most likely an adaptation to the African method called
    ( effa/ iffa ) …. Like binary …. 101010..
    Look up African creation energy …
    I bet they stole it !!
    A game for think tanks when they do it but they call it vodo when Africans do it LoL 😂😂😭💀🙌🙌🧐 😂😭💀!!!

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