Art Theory

Cognitive Behavioral Therpay

Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D.

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Lecture on cognitive-behavioral therapy and counseling to accommpany my texts Theory and Treatment Planning in Counseling and Psychotherapy and Case Documentation in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Also visit and for more free resources.


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13 thoughts on “Cognitive Behavioral Therpay
  1. I am not sure I understood you correctly but in the video you mentioned that other approaches such as psychodynamic, humanistic and existential therapies all assume that a therapist has the expert role in the relationship. I would agree with you on psychodynamic as they do tend to take an expert role, especially in pointing out the transference and also the interpretation of patient's past experiences are given to them in a way which they can handle. ButI really do not understand why you included humanistic and existential into the mix because both facilitate growth from both sides, i.e., an existential therapist learns from their client in as much as the client learns from their therapist. It is an accumulation of experience that comes from both sides, hence a collaborative process. Whereas with one of the humanistic approaches, specifically Person-Centred Therapy, the client and therapist are considered on the same level.

    I am not sure I articulated myself well, if you have not understood me feel free to probe further into my argument.

  2. This is so much more helpful than just online readings and textbooks ! I miss my in person classes . Thanks for help me pass my CBT test 💯

  3. Slides need to be dot points not paragraph points otherwise no one will pay attention. Good for note takers i guess but even they will be half asleep while doing it.

  4. Dr. Gerhart! First of all thank you for your lectures! I am a grad student (MSW) and I use them quite often in my studies. I would life to cite the text in which this particular CBT content is written and hope you will send me the proper APA citation. Thank you so much!!

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