Consciousness Videos

On Getting Creative Ideas


Google Tech Talks
March 14, 2007


Murray Gell-Mann is one of the largest living legends in physics. He’s also been described as The Man With Five Brains, and it’s no puzzle why: He was admitted to Yale at 15, got his PhD from MIT at 21, and is an international advisor on the environment. He speaks 13 languages fluently (at last count), and has expertise in such far-ranging fields as natural history, historical linguistics, archaeology, bird-watching, depth psychology, and the theory of complex adaptive systems.

Oh yeah… he also coined the term “quark,” after developing key aspects of the modern theory of quantum physics… for which he earned an unshared Nobel prize in physics in…


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31 thoughts on “On Getting Creative Ideas
  1. Talk is misnamed. Gell-Mann is ancient, his theories (like SUZY) are broken. It is ironic that Gell-Mann himself needs to apply creative problem solving to his own thinking.

  2. He once said about his brother Ben and himself "We didn't differentiate sharply among such categories as the natural sciences, the social and behavioral sciences, the humanities, and the arts. In fact. I have never believed in the primacy of such distinctions."

  3. Thank you for your ideas.  I found you on YouTube and have hit the repeat button several times.  I am an artist who wishes that I might have been a particle physicist.  My brain says no but I really tried.  So I am an artist with a physics education.  That's tough — but I have managed to bring them both together.I could go on but won't.  Instead, could you comment on the fruit of my labor: note that I am going against the grain of established psychology — which, I find, is also tough.This piece was written for young people, college level (I'm 82) — and that's the reason for my attempt at animation as a preamble to the text.  Thank you.

  4. This is the best video I have seen from a week or so! 

    I used to get almost 3-4 dreams in a day and some where really fearsome and some inspirational!

    I did not know what to do! but , i did one good one which is tracked all my dreams using "dreamed" mobile app by lokesh and then after a month ,
     I showed to a expert and he helped me to transform my life.

    I have more focus now and more passion in life and less fear!

  5. pobre senor!!! debe sentirse totalmente frustrado al notar que ni una sola persona de su audiencia entendió de hecho lo que el intentó explicar….. Eso es lo que pasa cuando quieres compartir tu conocimento a mentes no entrenadas.

  6. "…saturation, observation and elimination…" Impresive. I happen not to be in the group who might believe everything can be explained. Excellent presentation. Thank you.

  7. I was expecting that he would talk about Topological Quantum Computations which is intrinsically Fault-tolerant. In fact, Microsoft's Project Q is suppose to investigate the possibility of finding a physical system such as 2-D electron gas.

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