Boston Dynamics

Search for Life

Boston Dynamics

Is, or was, there life beyond Earth? For years, NASA has looked for signs of life on other planets. Now, they’re one step closer. Here’s how our partner @NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s autonomy and AI system, NeBula, enables Spot and a team of robots to autonomously explore hundreds of meters of Martian-like caves with no prior information about the map or features of the environment.

Learn more about NeBula:
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46 thoughts on “Search for Life
  1. Зачем нужны эти роботы, если для их использования, требуется куча людей со стульчиками?

  2. I would like to see spot assemble a structure,,, each spot doing its job in completion of a structure. Then bombard Mars with them to assemble structure for the arrival of colonization.

  3. There is no need for dead astronauts, Elon Musk. Autonomous robotics is the true future of space exploration! Not man, but machine.

  4. FIX OUR PLANET BEFORE OTHER STUFFFFFFFF . Our planet is dying (along with us) let’s fix that before we start looking for some dumb bacteria otherwise that bacteria won’t be alive for long either ……😑😑

  5. Search for life…. On Mars? Ok. I was thinking you could help with that Miami building “collapse” situation…. Hey dum dum’s the Earth needs you not Mars.

  6. Spot_1: I found a cup with yellow sparkeling liquid

    Spot_2 takes a sample

    Spot_1: It has the sam composition as …… beer?

    Spot_3 looks around and finds a mysterius Spot

    Mysterius_Spot: Michael send me

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