
A.I. Learns To Walk

Code Bullet

Watch AIs learn to walk while avoiding a DEATH LAZER.
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50 thoughts on “A.I. Learns To Walk
  1. Give it a stamina so that it is penalized for inefficient movements, and perhaps a health bar so that skidding the ground will cause death.

  2. Instead of slow laser vs fast laser, a slowly accelerating laser would produce best results as generations would develop on crawl, walk, run generations. I think. I don't know how things works.

  3. they didn't learn how to walk. they were FORCED to learn how to walk to escape from their death!

  4. Idk if anyone pointed it out yet (and with 10K comments on the video I'm NOT checking), but there are two big reasons why the AI can't, literally can not, move faster than it ended up moving.

    1. The design of the character forbids a "normal" walk. What you built forces the AI to use a step that's more like what a matching band member who is moving sideways but facing front does. We called this a "crab step" in marching band; it's how the snare and tenor drums usually march when moving sideways (search YouTube for "Santa Clara Vanguard 2018" and pay attention to the drumline for an example and a phenomenal world championship-winning performance,) and there a reasonable limit on how far one can travel on each step.

    Which segues nicely into

    2. The length of the legs is too short to allow a better crab step. If you made the legs longer, the AI would be able to cross its legs to take bigger steps and thereby move faster. The lkmit of maximum step size would still be there, but increased. I'm sure there's a ratio that defines that but fuck if I know what it is.

    I'm starting a CS bachelor's degree (at age 43!) and my specialization is video games and simulations, so I'm sure I'll have to take some machine learning/AI courses in the near future. What you had to deal with here is eye-opening and very interesting /intriguing – I guess it's time to crack a book and start looking into how what you did is actually done.

    Nice job! Congrats on teaching Baby Boxman how to "walk"!

  5. "While pretending to have a sense of humor, you fucking idiots…"
    That comment is exactly why I subscribe to you. Put those droolers in their place!
    Seriously, "Cries in Binary" is probably THE funniest AND nerdiest thing anyone could say.
    Also when the A.I. Overlords take over, you are probably going to be key to their survival, so they'll keep you around in some kind of weird slave-pen thing…I don't know if you count that as "fucked", but at least you won't be purged with the rest of us wannabes. 😛
    On top of that, I LOVE that "DEATH LASER!" Very nice touch, super METAL! m/

  6. Hey CB. I just found you in cod bo4. It’s a sticker called “Idiot Box” it’s literally you. The only difference is it’s wearing a tie and the bent antenna is on the wrong side

  7. Hi. I realy like your videos and i would like to know how you algorithm works. Can you provide me more information?

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