
A Neanderthal Perspective on Human Origins – 2014

(Visit: The Neanderthals are the closest extinct relatives of all present-day human and the Neanderthal genome sequence provides unique insights into modern humans origins. Svante Pääbo, a biologist and evolutionary anthropologist, describe the current understanding of the genetic contributions of Neanderthals to present-day humans and to extinct human groups. He also describes preliminary analyses of genomic features that appeared in present-day humans since their divergence from a common ancestor shared with Neanderthals and discusses how they may be functionally analyzed in the future. Pääbo is the Director of Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Recorded on 09/10/2014. Series: “UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures” [11/2014] [Science] [Show ID: 28720]

University of California Television (UCTV)


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39 thoughts on “A Neanderthal Perspective on Human Origins – 2014
  1. I have read some works of Paabo. I always tell everyone DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. There are tons of people who love to throw their opinions around as if they were facts. If you're an honest scientist or person, first thing you do is PROVIDE THE SOURCE OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE. If you say, for example, that bonobos and chimps cannot mix, where did you get that info?
    Scientists like Paabo tell you clearly where and how they got their knowledge, and deserve respect. What he presents today may be superseded or improved tomorrow, but in the meantime he is doing his best and honest work.

  2. Not sure if I understand this right but because white people mixed with Neanderthals and other genetic factors its why they are more evolved than black people? Who have no NeanderthaL DNA I've watched vids that scientifically say white people are are on average smarter though Chinese people are the smartest ,have more cooperation eg built the modern world where as in Africa they have barely built nothing and black peoples are more criminal and violent hence more primitive ? Is this a sound scientific understanding even though some people might not like the facts ?

  3. A dog is a dog is a dog. You could take a Chihuahua, mate it with a Great Dane and produce viable offspring. The process might not be pretty, or easy, but they could mate. Therefore they are the same species, dog.

    The same logic can be applied between us and Neanderthals. Both may be physically distinctive and different, but at a genetic level (where it counts) we are more or less the same. Enough so that we interbred and reproduced viable offspring.

    The proof, now determined, is in the genetic record. They were us; and we are them. So it goes, and life goes on.

    American Net'Zen

  4. At 51:00 one might also ask why "pure" homo sapiens did not develop art or stone tools… it seems to have been the groups with admixture that suddenly started off at ever accelerating speed!

  5. Good lecture, and very well presented! Svante Paabo is a badass! But they shouldn't have done it in a series on immortality of the soul, basically a misappropriation of funding. I would love to see a presentation speculating on the immortality of Neanderthal (and other archaic hominin) souls from a Christian theological perspective!

  6. Lucy as in lucifer … .. what will they do in global warming. The sun will get 7x hotter very soon it gonna heal the melanited human what will happen to the nean people?

  7. so did the Neaderthal died out in Africa? thereby resulting in no or little Neaderthal DNA in modern africans. so no neaderthal remains were found in africa? if not then why not? Did modern humans kill off the african neaderthals with no interbreeding ? please comment

  8. The ignorance of so many commenters on You Tube just astounds me! How can so many people be SO damn ignorant? It's amazing that many of these religious drum beaters/sheep can even feed themselves or tie their own shoes!! (With hope, most of them will die out soon enough!!)

  9. If you are interested in the origins of H. Sapiens (and all other members of the genus), you may enjoy watching a new theory’s short introductory video presentation @ (8 min), proposing as the birthplace/natural environment of our species a permanent warm coastal fog most likely existing for 2.6 million years at the periphery of the Irish Sea Glacier (during late Pleistocene). Is proposed in parallel that the Human higher cognition is, in fact, the outcome of a few types of transgenerational traumas/inflammations. Also, as the source of all the unique skeletomuscular features of modern Humans proposed a severe transgenerational photo-trauma suffered by an earlier depigmented form of our species (as all individuals adapting to their new sunny environments (the rest of the planet)). The lack of pigmentation readily inferred as the result of living away from light for 2.6 my inside the said permanent warm coastal fog.

  10. I agree with the first audience question. I don't think one can compare later evolution of modern humans to that of Neanderthals at an earlier time. Neanderthals constantly adapted to their surroundings and invented what was necessary, such as the lissoir or a strong adhesive (the first chemical synthesis performed by humans), and even what was not necessary but cultured, such as the bone flute or cave art. In contrast, Homo sapiens had very little to show before they met Neanderthals; only after interbreeding with them (and, in my opinion, the total assimilation of the Neanderthal) did they acquire larger brains and their current brain organisation which led to the Great Leap and eventually brought them out of the Stone Age. Modern humans would not exist without the Neanderthal contribution! – I wrote about this at

  11. And what happened to the Cro-Magnon people? They lived in Europe 4OO OOO – 37 OOO years ago. I believed they were the European population ancestors, they looked like modern Europeans and they lived with Neanderthals.

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